(ii) helps the crop in improved uptake of plant nutrients; and
(iii) possesses an active nutrient cycling capacity because of vigorous microbial activity.
Animal | Urine (ml / kg live wt) | Quantity of dung (Kg) per day |
Horse | 3-18 | 9-18 |
Cattle | 17-45 | 18-30 |
Buffaloes | 20-45 | 25-40 |
Sheep and goats | 10-40 | 1-2.5 |
Pigs | 5-30 | 3-5 |
Poultry | - | 2.5-3.5 |
Animal | Dung (mg/g) | Urine (%) | ||||
N | P | K | N | P | K | |
Cattle | 20-45 | 4-10 | 7-25 | 1.21 | 0.01 | 1.35 |
Sheep and goat | 20-45 | 4-11 | 20-29 | 1.47 | 0.05 | 1.96 |
Pig | 20-45 | 6-12 | 15-48 | 0.38 | 0.1 | 0.99 |
Poultry | 28-62 | 9-26 | 8-29 | - | - | - |
- The rejected biological materials contain complex chemical compounds such as lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, polysaccharides, proteins, lipids etc.
- These complex materials cannot be used as such as resource materials.
- The complex materials should be converted into simple inorganic element as available nutrient.
- The material put into soil without conversion will undergo conversion inside the soil.
- This conversion process take away all energy and available nutrients from the soil affecting the crop.
- Hence conversion period is mandatory.
- Volume reduction of waste.
- Final weight of compost is very less.
- Composting temperature kill pathogen, weed seeds and seeds.
- Matured compost comes into equilibrium with the soil.
- During composting number of wastes from several sources are blended together.
- Excellent soil conditioner
- Saleable product
- Improves manure handling
- Redues the risk of pollution
- Pathogen reduction
- Additional revenue.
- Suppress plant diseases and pests.
- Reduce or eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers.
- Promote higher yields of agricultural crops.
- Facilitate reforestation, wetlands restoration, and habitat revitalization efforts by amending contaminated, compacted, and marginal soils.
- Cost-effectively remediate soils contaminated by hazardous waste.
- Remove solids, oil, grease, and heavy metals from stormwater runoff.
- Capture and destroy 99.6 percent of industrial volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in contaminated air.
- Provide cost savings of at least 50 percent over conventional soil, water, and air pollution remediation technologies, where applicable.
Agricultural use of composts remains low for several reasons:
- The product is weighty and bulky, making it expensive to transport.
- The nutrient value of compost is low compared with that of chemical fertilizers, and the rate of nutrient release is slow so that it cannot usually meet the nutrient requirement of crops in a short time, thus resulting in some nutrient deficiency
- The nutrient composition of compost is highly variable compared to chemical fertilizers.
- Agricultural users might have concerns regarding potential levels of heavy metals and other possible contaminants in compost, particularly mixed municipal solid wastes. The potential for contamination becomes an important issue when compost is used on food crops.
- Long-term and/or heavy application of composts to agricultural soils has been found to result in salt, nutrient, or heavy metal accumulation and may adversely affect plant growth, soil organisms, water quality, and animal and human health
- By adding organic wastes such as sawdust, wood shavings, coir pith, pine needles, and dry fallen leaves, while preparing organic waste mixtures for composting, one can ensure that the compost produced contains sufficient and long-lasting humus. However, gardeners often find that where they use lignin-rich plant materials, the compost does not ripen rapidly. A technique for making good compost from hard plant materials involves mixing lime in a ratio of 5 kg per 1000 kg of waste material. Lime can be applied as dry powder or after mixing with a sufficient quantity of water. Treatment with lime enhances the process of decomposition of hard materials.
- Liming can enhance the humification process in plant residues by enhancing microbial population and activity and by weakening lignin structure. It also improves the humus quality by changing the ratio of humic to fulvic acids and decreases the amount of bitumen, which interferes with the decomposition process. Instead of lime, powdered phosphate rock can be used in a ratio of 20 kg per 1 000 kg of organic waste. Phosphate rock contains a lot of lime. The phosphates and micronutrients contained in phosphate rock make composts rich in plant nutrients.
- This method has been developed for composting weeds such as parthenium, water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes), cyperus (Cyperus rotundus) and cynodon (Cynodon dactylon).
- 250 g of Trichoderma viride and Pleurotus sajor-caju consortia, and 5 kg of urea. An elevated shaded place is selected, or a thatched shed is erected. An area of 500 cm × 150 cm is marked out. The material to be composted is cut to 10-15 cm in size. About 100 kg of cut material is spread over the marked area. About 50 g of microbial consortia is sprinkled over this layer. About 100 kg of weeds are spread on this layer. One kilogram of urea is sprinkled uniformly over the layer. This process is repeated until the level rises to 1 m. Water is sprinkled as necessary to maintain a moisture level of 50-60 percent. Thereafter, the surface of the heap is covered with a thin layer of soil. The pile requires a thorough turning on the twenty-first day. The compost is ready in about 40 days.
Compost enrichment
- Application of superphosphate, bonemeal or phosphate rock: 1 kg of superphosphate or bonemeal is applied over each layer of animal dung. Low-grade phosphate rock can also be used for this purpose.
- Use of animal bones: these can be broken into small pieces, boiled with wood ash leachate or lime water and drained, and the residue applied to the pits. This procedure of boiling bones facilitates their disintegration. Even the addition of raw bones, broken into small pieces and added to the pit, improves the nutrient value of compost significantly.
- Wood ash waste can also be added to increase the K content of compost.
- Addition of N-fixing and P-solubilizing cultures (IARI, 1989): The quality of compost can be further improved by the secondary inoculation of Azotobacter, Azospirillum lipoferum, and Azospirillum brasilence (N-fixers); and Bacillus megaterium or Pseudomonas sp. (P solubilizers). These organisms, in the form of culture broth or water suspension of biofertilizer products, can be sprinkled when the decomposing material is turned after one month. By this time, the temperature of the compost has also stabilized at about 35 °C. As a result of this inoculation, the N content of straw compost can be increased by up to 2 percent. In addition to improving N content and the availability of other plant nutrients, these additions help to reduce the composting time considerably.
- Reduces the soil bulk density and improves the soil structure directly by loosening heavy soils with organic matter, and indirectly by means of aggregate-stabilizing humus contained in composts. Incorporating composts into compacted soils improves root penetration and turf establishment.
- Increases the water-holding capacity of the soil directly by binding water to organic matter, and indirectly by improving the soil structure, thus improving the absorption and movement of water into the soil. Therefore, water requirement and irrigation will be reduced.
- Protects the surface soil from water and wind erosion by reducing the soil-dispersion action of beating raindrops, increasing infiltration, reducing water runoff, and increasing surface wetness. Preventing erosion is essential for protecting waterways and maintaining the quality and productivity of the soil.
- Helps bind the soil particles into crumbs by the fungi or actinomycetes mycelia contained in the compost and stimulated in the soil by its application, generally increasing the stability of the soil against wind and water erosion.
- Improves soil aeration and thus supplies enough oxygen to the roots and escapes excess carbon dioxide from the root space.
- Increases the soil temperature directly by its dark color, which increases heat absorption by the soil, and indirectly by the improved soil structure.
- Helps moderate soil temperature and prevents rapid fluctuations of soil temperature, hence, providing a better environment for root growth. This is especially true of compost used as a surface mulch.
- Enables soils to hold more plant nutrients and increases the cation exchange capacity (CEC), anion exchange capacity (AEC), and buffering capacity of soils for longer periods of time after composts are applied to soils. This is important mainly for soils containing little clay and organic matter.
- Builds up nutrients in the soil. Composts contain the major nutrients required by all plants [N,P,K, calcium (Ca), magnesium(Mg), and S] plus essential micronutrients or trace elements, such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), boron (B), and molybdenum (Mb).
- The nutrients from mature composts are released to the plants slowly and steadily. The benefits will last for more than one season.
- Stabilizes the volatile nitrogen of raw materials into large protein particles during composting, thereby reducing N losses.
- Provides active agents, such as growth substances, which may be beneficial mainly to germinating plants.
- Adds organic matter and humus to regenerate poor soils.
- Buffers the soil against rapid changes due to acidity, alkalinity, salinity, pesticides, and toxic heavy metals.
- Supplies food and encourages the growth of beneficial microorganisms and earthworms.
- Helps suppress certain plant diseases, soil borne diseases, and parasites.
- Research has shown that composts can help control plant diseases (e.g. Pythium root rot, Rhizoctonia root rot, chili wilt, and parasitic nematode) and reduce crop losses. A major California fruit and vegetable grower was able to cut pesticide use by 80% after three years of compost applications as part of an organic matter management system. Research has also indicated that some composts, particularly those prepared from tree barks, release chemicals that inhibit some plant pathogens. Disease control with compost has been attributed to four possible mechanisms:
- 1) successful competition for nutrients by beneficial microorganisms;
2) antibiotic production by beneficial microorganisms;
3) successful predation against pathogens by beneficial microorganisms;
4) activation of disease-resistant genes in plants by composts; and
5) high temperatures that result from composting kill pathogens. - Reduces and kills weed seeds by a combination of factors including the heat of the compost pile, rotting, and premature germination.
- Brings higher prices for organically grown crops.
- Composting can offer several potential economic benefits to communities:
- Extends current landfill longevity and delays the construction of a more expensive replacement landfill or incinerator.
- Reduces or avoids landfill or combustor tipping fees, and reduces waste disposal fees and long-distance transportation costs.
- Offers environmental benefits from reduced landfill and combustion use.
- Creates new jobs for citizens.
- Produces marketable products and a less-cost alternative to standard landfill cover, artificial soil amendments, and conventional bioremediation techniques.
- Provides a source of plant nutrients and improves soil fertility; results in significant cost savings by reducing the need for water, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and nematodes.
- Used as an alternative to natural topsoil in new construction, landscape renovations, and container gardens. Using composts in these types of applications is not only less expensive than purchasing topsoil, but it can also often produce better results when establishing a healthy vegetative cover.
- Used as mulch for trees, orchards, landscapes, lawns, gardens, and makes an excellent potting mix. Placed over the roots of plants, compost mulch conserves water and stabilizes soil temperatures. In addition, it keeps plants healthy by controlling weeds, providing a slow release of nutrients, and preventing soil loss through erosion.
Making organic compost
The ingredients for making compost
- Garden waste: non-woody garden prunings, grass cuttings, leaves, flowers, and vegetable remains.
- Kitchen waste: vegetable peels and leaves, fruit peels and cores, nutshells, cooked table scraps, tea leaves, egg shells, even stale bread.
- General waste: torn-up newspaper and cardboard boxes, sawdust and wood-shavings, animal manure, wood-fire ash, and kelp or seaweed.
Building the compost heap
- Depending on the amount of compost that you want to make, we recommend digging a trench into the ground approximately 2 meters by 2 meters.
- Mix the organic materials well and chop up any big pieces.
- Put down about 10 cm of mixed organic material. Start with carbon materials such as wood-shavings and twigs, follow this by a layer of nitrogenous material like grass clippings and leaves.
- Add a compost activator to speed up the decomposition process. Commercial compost activators are available at garden centers and reputable nurseries. Alternatively you may use a bucketful of mature compost, animal manure, or bone meal as these work the same as compost activators. (Compost activators are micro-organisms that break down the organic matter.)
- You can also add garden soil to the growing heap. Garden soil contains many organisms that will multiply and help the rotting process. Garden soil also contains useful nematodes such as earthworms. Earthworms are valuable members of the compost heap community. They eat plant material and produce worm castes that are very rich in nutrients. They also help to mix the compost ingredients and put air into the heap thereby speeding up the process of decay.
- Repeat the layering of the compost heap in 10 cm increments. (Tip: The last layer should be garden soil, dry grass, leaves, or sawdust, as this will keep smells in and not attract flies.)
Turning the compost heap
Watering the compost heap
Controlling pests on the compost heap
Troubleshooting the compost heap
The compost heap is damp and warm in the middle only
The compost heap is stagnant; it does not heat up at all
The matted leaves and grass clippings do not decompose
The compost heap stinks like vinegar or rotten egg
The compost heap smells like ammonia
The compost heap is attracting rats, mice, flies, etc
There are fire ants in the compost heap
The compost heap attracts insects, millipedes, slugs, etc
How to compost your garden
- For bed preparation: – the most beneficial way of adding organic compost to the garden is to add it into the flower bed prior to planting. You should dig over the garden soil. (Tip: Dig the soil to a depth of about 60 cm, or two spade depths.) Remove root and rubble. Work the compost into the soil at a ratio of 1 to 2 parts compost to 3 parts of garden soil. (In other words 30-50% compost per soil area.) Add super-phosphate, hoof- and horn meal or bone meal at the same time so as to stimulate root growth. If you prepare whole beds, the new plants will establish much quicker and evenly.
- For individual planting: – you will require a well-prepared hole if you wish to plant in established beds, or in areas where there is already lawn or paving. Make the whole as large as possible and place the soil to one side. Add 1 part compost and 2 parts of the soil, and the required fertilizer (depending on the plants) and mix. Use this mixture to fill the hole and spread the rest of the mixture around your new plant. (Tip: Do not place a layer of compost at the bottom of the hole as it may cause root burn.
- For potting and bagging purposes: – making your own potting soil is easy. All that is required is adding a measly 30% compost to soil. Too much compost will be too rich and might cause root burn or hold too much water.
- For soil enhancement purposes after planting: – soil amendments have to be made on a regular basis to keep plants healthy. Soil amendment is best made by placing a layer of compost approximately 10 cm thick over the flower bed and working it into the soil with a garden fork. Many people opt to use their mulch from the last season in this fashion and then add a new layer for the new season.
- Carbon — for energy; the microbial oxidation of carbon produces the heat, if included at suggested levels.[2] High carbon materials tend to be brown and dry.
- Nitrogen — to grow and reproduce more organisms to oxidize the carbon. High nitrogen materials tend to be green (or colorful, such as fruits and vegetables) and wet.
- Oxygen — for oxidizing the carbon, the decomposition process.
- Water — in the right amounts to maintain activity without causing anaerobic conditions.[3]
- Bacteria- The most numerous of all the microorganisms found in compost. Depending on the phase of composting, mesophilic or thermophilic bacteria may predominate.
- Actinobacteria- Necessary for breaking down paper products such as newspaper, bark, etc.
- Fungi- molds and yeast help break down materials that bacteria cannot, especially lignin in woody material.
- Protozoa- Help consume bacteria, fungi and micro organic particulates.
- Rotifers- Rotifers help control populations of bacteria and small protozoans.
Phases of composting[edit]
- An initial, mesophilic phase, in which the decomposition is carried out under moderate temperatures by mesophilic microorganisms.
- As the temperature rises, a second, thermophilic phase starts, in which the decomposition is carried out by various thermophilic bacteria under high temperatures.
- As the supply of high-energy compounds dwindles, the temperature starts to decrease, and the mesophiles once again predominate in the maturation phase.
Slow and rapid composting[edit]
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Pathogen removal[edit]
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Materials that can be composted[edit]
Organic solid waste (green waste)[edit]
Animal manure and bedding[edit]
Human waste and sewage sludge[edit]
Composting technologies[edit]
Composting toilets[edit]
Black soldier fly larvae[edit]
- Fermentation retains all the original carbon and energy. (In comparison, composting loses at least 50% of these and 75% or more in amateur use; composting also loses nitrogen, a macronutrient of plants, by emitting ammonia and the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide.)[32]
- Virtually the full range of food waste is accepted, without the exclusions of composting. The exception is large bones.
- Being airtight, the container inherently traps smells, and when opened the smell of fermentation is far less offensive than decomposition. Hence bokashi bins usually operate indoors, in or near kitchens.
- Similarly the container neither attracts insect pests nor allows them ingress.
- The process is inherently hygienic because lactic acid is a natural bactericide and anti-pathogen; even its own fermentation is self-limiting.
- Both preservation and consumption complete within a few weeks rather than months.
- The preserve can be stored until needed, for example if ground is frozen or waterlogged.
- The increased activity of the soil food web improves the soil texture, especially by worm action - in effect this is in-soil vermicomposting.
Other systems at household level[edit]
Hügelkultur (raised garden beds or mounds)[edit]
Compost tea[edit]
Worm Hotels[edit]
Related technologies[edit]
- The world's largest municipal co-composter for municipal solid waste (MSW) is the Edmonton Composting Facility in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, which turns 220,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste and 22,500 dry tonnes of sewage sludge per year into 80,000 tonnes of compost. The facility is 38,690 m2 (416,500 sq ft) in area, equivalent to 4½ Canadian football fields, and the operating structure is the largest stainless steel building in North America.[citation needed]
- In 2006, Qatar awarded Keppel Seghers Singapore, a subsidiary of Keppel Corporation, a contract to begin construction on a 275,000 tonne/year anaerobic digestion and composting plant licensed by Kompogas Switzerland. This plant, with 15 independent anaerobic digesters, will be the world's largest composting facility once fully operational in early 2011 and forms part of Qatar's Domestic Solid Waste Management Centre, the largest integrated waste management complex in the Middle East.[citation needed]
- Another large municipal solid waste composter is the Lahore Composting Facility in Lahore, Pakistan, which has a capacity to convert 1,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste per day into compost. It also has a capacity to convert substantial portion of the intake into refuse-derived fuel (RDF) materials for further combustion use in several energy consuming industries across Pakistan, for example in cement manufacturing companies where it is used to heat cement kilns. This project has also been approved by the Executive Board of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change for reducing methane emissions, and has been registered with a capacity of reducing 108,686 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent per annum.[47]
- Kew Gardens in London has one of the biggest non-commercial compost heaps in Europe.[citation needed]
- Compost is used as a soil amendment in organic farming.
Society and culture[edit]
Composting At Home
Composting Basics
- Browns - This includes materials such as dead leaves, branches, and twigs.
- Greens - This includes materials such as grass clippings, vegetable waste, fruit scraps, and coffee grounds.
- Water - Having the right amount of water, greens, and browns is important for compost development.
Benefits of Composting
- Enriches soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests.
- Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.
- Encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material.
- Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint.
How to Compost at Home
Backyard Composting
- Select a dry, shady spot near a water source for your compost pile or bin.
- Add brown and green materials as they are collected, making sure larger pieces are chopped or shredded.
- Moisten dry materials as they are added.
- Once your compost pile is established, mix grass clippings and green waste into the pile and bury fruit and vegetable waste under 10 inches of compost material.
- Optional: Cover top of compost with a tarp to keep it moist. When the material at the bottom is dark and rich in color, your compost is ready to use. This usually takes anywhere between two months to two years.
Indoor Composting
Why Compost?
- It's easy
- It creates a useful soil enricher
- It is an environmentally sound way of reducing yard waste
How Does Composting Work?
Step 1: Choose the right composting method for you.
Bin/pile composting: | Worm composting: |
Step 2: Choose the right location for your compost bin.
Step 3: Decide what to compost.
Step 4: The composting process.
Step 5: Using compost around your home.
- Soil Amendment--work a 1 - 3 inch layer of compost into garden soil.
- Mulch--apply a 2 - 3 inch layer on top of existing soil
- Potting mix--blend with potting soil for container plants
What is compost?
How can composting impact the environment?
How do you compost?
How to start composting at home:
How to compost in an apartment
Can compost go bad?
The benefits of composting:
What is a composting toilet?
What Are the Different Kinds of Composting?

Aerobic Composting
Anaerobic Composting
However, hold your nose! Anaerobic composting stinks to high heaven. Without oxygen, some pretty nasty bacteria take over. This is what happens in a landfill, and it’s not healthy. Landfills produce so much methane, they can actually have explosions! Methane is a greenhouse gas that is bad for the environment. Many a garden party has been spoilt by a stinking, neglected anaerobic composter!
- Very little odor (it should smell “earthy”)
- Very little, if any, dangerous anaerobic bacteria and methane
- No need to “turn” frequently
- Can be done indoors or outdoors
- Easy to harvest the fertilizer, especially with a tray-based composter
- Kids love taking care of the worms
- Takes minutes a week
- Worms become part of the household and work for you
- If you like to go fishing, you get an endless supply of bait
Starting vermicomposting involves selecting a type of composter, and then ordering composting worms.
- Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm offers a video about making your own composter, as well as a selection of convenient composters you can order online. We also have information on building your own composter. Some people want to compost outdoors when the weather is warm, and indoors in the colder months; our Worm Factory 360 and Can-O-Worms composters are perfect for this.
- To get you started with vermicomposting, order a bag of our champion composting worm, the Red Composting Worm Mix. We carefully package and ship the worms so they arrive alive. We also offer Super Reds, which are larger and better suited to be released into the garden.
Small Scale Co-Composting Process and Efficient Methods
Waste Preparation
- Mix the waste to ensure that the (C:) is close to 25 – If the waste has too much carbon (normally brown waste such as dried leaves) it should be mixed with waste that has high nitrogen content (also known as green waste such as green grass clippings). Kitchen waste only normally has a suitable C:N ratio for composting.
- Chop the waste into small pieces. Large pieces of organic waste should be cut to small pieces to accelerate the composting process.
- Adjust the moisture content to about 50 per cent. A compost pile with 50% moisture should feel moist but water should not be dripping from it.
- Add a starter such as mature compost or effective microorganisms (EM) to speed up the composting process.
Degradation of Waste
Compost pits
Compost piles
In-vessel composting
Types of Composting
What to Compost
- Fruit scraps
- Vegetable scraps
- Coffee grounds
- Eggshells
- Grass and plant clippings
- Dry leaves
- Finely chopped wood and bark chips
- Shredded newspaper
- Straw
- Sawdust from untreated wood
What NOT to Compost
- Anything containing meat, oil, fat, or grease
- Diseased plant materials
- Sawdust or chips from pressure-treated wood
- Dog or cat feces
- Weeds that go to seed
- Dairy products
Step 1: Combine Green and Brown Materials
Step 2: Water Your Pile
Step 3: Stir Up Your Pile
Step 4: Feed Your Garden
Backyard or Onsite Composting
- Types of Waste and Waste Generators: Backyard or onsite composting is suitable for converting yard trimmings and food scraps into compost that can be applied on site. This method should not be used to compost animal products or large quantities of food scraps. Households, commercial establishments, and institutions (e.g., universities, schools, hospitals) can leave grass clippings on the lawn-known as “grasscycling”-where the cuttings will decompose naturally and return some nutrients back to the soil. Backyard or onsite composters also might keep leaves in piles for eventual use as mulch around trees and scrubs to retain moisture.
- Climate or Seasonal Considerations: Climate and seasonal variations do not present major challenges to backyard or onsite composting because this method typically involves small quantities of organic waste. When conditions change-for example, if a rainy season approaches-the process can be adjusted accordingly without many complications.
- Environmental Concerns: Improper management of food scraps can cause odors and also might attract unwanted attention from insects or animals.
- Requirements: Backyard or onsite composting requires very little time or equipment. Education is the most critical aspect of backyard or onsite composting. Local communities might hold composting demonstrations and seminars to encourage homeowners or businesses to compost on their own properties.
- Results: The conversion of organic material to compost can take up to two years, but manual turning can hasten the process considerably (e.g., 3 to 6 months). The resulting natural fertilizer can be applied to lawns and gardens to help condition the soil and replenish nutrients. Compost, however, should not be used as potting soil for houseplants because of the presence of weed and grass seeds.
- Types of Waste and Waste Generators: Worms will eat almost anything you would put in a typical compost pile (e.g., food scraps, paper, plants). Vermicomposting can be ideal for apartment dwellers or small offices that want to derive some of the benefits of composting and reduce solid waste. It is frequently used in schools to teach children conservation and recycling.
Climate or Seasonal Considerations: Worms are sensitive to variations in climate. Extreme temperatures and direct sunlight are not healthy for the worms. The optimal temperatures for vermicomposting range from 55° F to 77° F. In hot, arid areas, the bin should be placed under the shade. By vermicomposting indoors, however, one can avoid many of the problems posed by hot or cold climates. The primary responsibility is to keep the worms alive and healthy by providing the proper conditions and sufficient food. - Requirements: Vermicomposting has only a few basic requirements, among them: worms, worm bedding (e.g., shredded newspaper, cardboard), and a bin to contain the worms and organic matter. Maintenance procedures include preparing bedding, burying garbage, and separating worms from their castings.
- Results: One pound of mature worms (approximately 800-1,000 worms) can eat up to half a pound of organic material per day. It typically takes three to four months for these worms to produce harvestable castings, which can be used as potting soil. Vermicomposting also produces compost or “worm” tea, a high-quality liquid fertilizer for house plants or gardens.
Aerated (Turned) Windrow Composting
- Types of Waste and Waste Generators: This method can accommodate large volumes of diverse wastes, including yard trimmings, grease, liquids, and animal byproducts (such as fish and poultry wastes), but only with frequent turning and careful monitoring. This method is suited for large quantities, such as that generated by entire communities and collected by local governments, and high volume food-processing businesses (e.g., restaurants, cafeterias, packing plants).
- Climate or Seasonal Considerations: In a warm, arid climate, windrows are sometimes covered or placed under a shelter to prevent water from evaporating. In rainy seasons, the shapes of the pile can be adjusted so that water runs off the top of the pile rather than being absorbed into the pile. Also, windrow composting can work in cold climates. Often the outside of the pile might freeze, but in its core, a windrow can reach 140° F.
- Environmental Concerns: Leachate is liquid released during the composting process. This can contaminate local ground-water and surface-water supplies and should be collected and treated. In addition, windrow composting is a large scale operation and might be subject to regulatory enforcement. Samples of the compost should be tested in a laboratory for bacterial and heavy metal content. Odors also need to be controlled. The public should be informed of the operation and have a method to address any complaints about animals or bad odors. Other concerns might include zoning and siting requirements.
- Requirements: Windrow composting often requires large tracts of land, sturdy equipment, a continual supply of labor to maintain and operate the facility, and patience to experiment with various materials mixtures and turning frequencies.
- Results: This method will yield significant amounts of compost, which might require assistance to market the end-product. Alternatively, local governments can make the compost available to residents for a low or no cost.
Aerated Static Pile Composting
Types of Waste and Waste Generators: Aerated static piles are suitable for a relatively homogenous mix of organic waste and work well for larger quantity generators of yard trimmings and compostable municipal solid waste (e.g., food scraps, paper products), which might include local governments, landscapers, or farms. This method, however, does not work well for composting animal byproducts or grease from food processing industries.
- Climate or Seasonal Considerations: Like windrow composting, in a warm, arid climate, aerated static piles are sometimes covered or placed under a shelter to prevent water from evaporating. In the cold, the core of the pile will retain its warm temperature, but aeration might be more difficult in the cold because this method involves passive air flowing rather than active turning. Some aerated static piles are placed indoors with proper ventilation.
- Environmental Concerns: Since there is no physical turning, this method requires careful monitoring to ensure that the outside of the pile heats up as much as the core. One way to alleviate bad odors is to apply a thick layer of finished compost over the pile, which can help maintain high temperatures throughout the pile. Another way to deal with odor, provided that the air blower draws air out of the pile, is to filter this air through a biofilter made from finished compost.
- Requirements: This method typically requires equipment such as blowers, pipes, sensors, and fans, which might involve significant costs and technical assistance. Having a controlled supply of air enables construction of large piles, which require less land than the windrow method.
- Results: This method produces compost relatively quickly-within 3 to 6 months.
In-Vessel Composting
Types of Waste and Waste Generators: In-vessel composting can process large amounts of waste without taking up as much space as the windrow method. In addition, it can accommodate virtually any type of organic waste (e.g., meat, animal manure, biosolids, food scraps). Some in-vessel composters can fit into a school or restaurant kitchen while others can be as large as a school bus to accommodate large food processing plants.
- Climate or Seasonal Considerations: In-vessel composting can be used year-round in virtually any climate because the environment is carefully controlled, often by electronic means. This method can even be used in extremely cold weather if the equipment is insulated or the processing takes place indoors.
- Environmental Concerns: In-vessel composting produces very little odor and minimal leachate.
- Requirements: In-vessel composters are expensive and might require technical assistance to operate properly, but this method uses much less land and manual labor than windrow composting.
- Results: Conversion of organic material to compost can take as little as a few weeks. Once the compost comes out of the vessel, however, it still requires a few more weeks or months for the microbial activity to stabilize and the pile to cool.
- Reduce or eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers.
- Promote higher yields of agricultural crops.
- Facilitate reforestation, wetlands restoration, and habitat revitalization efforts by amending contaminated, compacted, and marginal soils.
- Cost-effectively remediate soils contaminated by hazardous waste.
- Remove solids, oil, grease, and heavy metals from stormwater runoff.
- Avoids Methane and leachate formulation in landfills.
- Capture and destroy 99.6 percent of industrial volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in contaminated air. See Innovative Uses of Compost: Bioremediation and Pollution Prevention.
- Provide cost savings of at least 50 percent over conventional soil, water, and air pollution remediation technologies, where applicable. See Analysis of Composting as an Environmental Remediation Technology
- Reduces the need for water, fertilizers, and pesticides.
- Serves as a marketable commodity and is a low-cost alternative to standard landfill cover and artificial soil amendments.
- Extends municipal landfill life by diverting organic materials from landfills.
Composting Methods
More Recent methods of composting are:
Elements generally required in most systems in order to produce compost.
Air | Compost needs to be aerated or it creates an anaerobic environment for bacteria which produces unpleasant odours and attracts vermin |
Water | Essential to keep the compost moist |
Vegetable Matter | Essential to obtain organically rich compost |
Worms | Digest decomposed matter and release worm castings that provide plants with the nutrients they need for growth |
Carbon-nitrogen mix (brown and green waste) | Essential to create the right temperature for creating compost from green waste and to kill seeds and disease |
Bacteria (EMO’s) | Will decompose the food before the worms eat it |
Soldier Flies | Not essential but devours waste food quicker than worms or bacteria |
Other Beneficial Bugs | Cockroaches and other insects that help in the decomposition process (including maggots if putting meat in a compost pile – not recommended for most composters except the Compot. |
1. Open Air Composting
2. Direct Composting
3. Tumbler Composting
4. Worm Farm Composting
Local Worm Types
- South Australia Red Worms (Lumbricus rubellus) and Tiger worms (Eisenia fetida) under ideal conditions are said to rapidly reproduce 8 to 1500 worms
- The Tropics use Pontoscolex corethrunus or Pheretima group, commonly found in gardens
- Fishing worms are apparently not good for composting.
5. EMO Composting
6. Combination Composting
For some people, it too has its challenges. But for me, the challenges are less and the rewards are better.
You can compost ‘ALL’ your kitchen waste and not just ‘some’ of it.
7. Commercial Composting
The Compost is made in long rows using such materials as, sawdust, pine bark, sand plus ferrous sulphate and maybe some sulphate of ammonia all mixed together.
It is usually turned every 3 to 4 days and is generally ready in 6 weeks for bagging.
There is not much nutrient value in the cheap commercial compost.
But there are small independent commercial compost companies that produce a better quality product, than the large commercial compost companies. They are however more expensive.
The old saying “you get what you pay for” certainly applies to commercial compost.
If you are buying commercial grade compost to grow things it is best to buy a high-quality propagation mix.
8. Mechanical Composting
Different Types of Compost
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Example of ready to use compost. Photo credit: wisemandarine Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0
Types of Compost
- Yard trimmings
- Food wastes
- Leaves
- Manure (cow, horse, sheep, poultry)
- Mushroom compost
- Vermicomposting
5 Types of Composting Method
There are two fundamental forms of composting technique: hot and cold. The former is quicker at turning organic material into usable compost, but does require more time and effort from the permaculture gardener to achieve the effect. Hot composting involves keeping the temperature at the center of the compost pile elevated, ideally to somewhere between 110 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The pile needs to be kept moist – so that it is the consistency of a damp sponge – and the gardener needs to turn it once a week or so. This moves colder material from the outside of the pile to the inside where it is heated and so breaks down into rich humus more quickly. Hot composting has the advantage that it will produce useable compost quickly, and the high temperatures mean that it can break down weed seeds. The permaculture gardener should avoid adding such seeds to cold composting methods, as the more passive form of transformation does not reach the temperatures required to break them down. Cold composting essentially means creating a compost pile and leaving nature to do its job. It requires less input from the gardener, but does mean that useable compost can take up to a year to be ready.
The ingredients for both hot and cold composting are the same, with roughly equal parts brown and green material. The brown material consists of items such as branch prunings, leaves and twigs, while the green portion comprises things like fruit and vegetable scraps and grass clippings. To this can be added livestock manure (although do not use cat or dog waste, as these can contain pathogens that are harmful to humans), and soil (which will contain bacteria and microorganisms that will start to break down the material), along with such miscellaneous items as coffee grounds, shredded newspaper and eggshells. However, while the ingredients are similar, within the two categories of hot and cold composting there are several different methods you can use to create compost for your permaculture plot.
Referred to in industrial agriculture as ‘in-vessel composting’ composting in a bin essentially refers to any method that utilizes a closed container. It is an easy technique and is adaptable to many different types of permaculture plot, being suitable for gardens, courtyards and even balconies. The contained nature of the bin means that you can compost all year round, but while turning isn’t required, the lack of aeration does mean that the composting process can take upwards of six months, depending on factors such as material used and local climatic conditions. You can purchase a general all-purpose bin or recycle any large enclosed container, such as a barrel.
Turning Bin
To quicken the process of bin composting, you can fabricate or purchase a container that can be turned. A crank and pivot means that the whole container can be rotated, shifting the contents so that they are aerated, and thus quickening the decomposition process. However, they are unlikely to reach the high temperatures required for hot composting, so this is a cold technique, although, depending on the materials, a turning bin can produce useable compost within two months.
A pile is simply that: a mound of compost that is open to the air. Some gardeners use recycled bricks or lumber to build a containing wall around three sides of the pile, while other will construct a cage from chicken wire to stop the compost pile spreading too much. Ideally a pile will be wider than it is high, as this helps it retain heat better, but a pile can be used in whatever space is available; it will just take a bit longer for the compost to be ready. (If possible have two piles so that when one has reached a manageable size it can be left to its own devices while new material can be added to the second pile.) The length of time for decomposition will also depend upon whether you choose to turn a pile or not. It is optional, and therefore pile composting can be used for either hot or cold composting.
Sheet composting is very similar to mulching, in that a layer of organic material is spread over the garden bed and

A step on from sheet composting is the pit or trench method. This is primarily used for composting fruit and vegetable scraps from the kitchen. It involves digging shallow holes or trenches into which the scraps are placed and then recovered with the soil. The anaerobic organisms within the soil then break down the material over six to twelve months. IA cold composting technique, it has the benefit of keeping the compost out of sight and is a useful method for when you are establishing new garden beds, as it gives the plants a consistent supply of nutrients in the root area. However, it does require the labor of digging the holes and is not suitable for brown material such as twigs as these would take too long to break down to give the plants any benefit.
(ii) helps the crop in improved uptake of plant nutrients; and
(iii) possesses an active nutrient cycling capacity because of vigorous microbial activity.
Animal | Urine (ml / kg live wt) | Quantity of dung (Kg) per day |
Horse | 3-18 | 9-18 |
Cattle | 17-45 | 18-30 |
Buffaloes | 20-45 | 25-40 |
Sheep and goats | 10-40 | 1-2.5 |
Pigs | 5-30 | 3-5 |
Poultry | - | 2.5-3.5 |
Animal | Dung (mg/g) | Urine (%) | ||||
N | P | K | N | P | K | |
Cattle | 20-45 | 4-10 | 7-25 | 1.21 | 0.01 | 1.35 |
Sheep and goat | 20-45 | 4-11 | 20-29 | 1.47 | 0.05 | 1.96 |
Pig | 20-45 | 6-12 | 15-48 | 0.38 | 0.1 | 0.99 |
Poultry | 28-62 | 9-26 | 8-29 | - | - | - |
- The rejected biological materials contain complex chemical compounds such as lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, polysaccharides, proteins, lipids etc.
- These complex materials cannot be used as such as resource materials.
- The complex materials should be converted into simple inorganic element as available nutrient.
- The material put into soil without conversion will undergo conversion inside the soil.
- This conversion process take away all energy and available nutrients from the soil affecting the crop.
- Hence conversion period is mandatory.
- Volume reduction of waste.
- Final weight of compost is very less.
- Composting temperature kill pathogen, weed seeds and seeds.
- Matured compost comes into equilibrium with the soil.
- During composting number of wastes from several sources are blended together.
- Excellent soil conditioner
- Saleable product
- Improves manure handling
- Redues the risk of pollution
- Pathogen reduction
- Additional revenue.
- Suppress plant diseases and pests.
- Reduce or eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers.
- Promote higher yields of agricultural crops.
- Facilitate reforestation, wetlands restoration, and habitat revitalization efforts by amending contaminated, compacted, and marginal soils.
- Cost-effectively remediate soils contaminated by hazardous waste.
- Remove solids, oil, grease, and heavy metals from stormwater runoff.
- Capture and destroy 99.6 percent of industrial volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in contaminated air.
- Provide cost savings of at least 50 percent over conventional soil, water, and air pollution remediation technologies, where applicable.
Agricultural use of composts remains low for several reasons:
- The product is weighty and bulky, making it expensive to transport.
- The nutrient value of compost is low compared with that of chemical fertilizers, and the rate of nutrient release is slow so that it cannot usually meet the nutrient requirement of crops in a short time, thus resulting in some nutrient deficiency
- The nutrient composition of compost is highly variable compared to chemical fertilizers.
- Agricultural users might have concerns regarding potential levels of heavy metals and other possible contaminants in compost, particularly mixed municipal solid wastes. The potential for contamination becomes an important issue when compost is used on food crops.
- Long-term and/or heavy application of composts to agricultural soils has been found to result in salt, nutrient, or heavy metal accumulation and may adversely affect plant growth, soil organisms, water quality, and animal and human health
- By adding organic wastes such as sawdust, wood shavings, coir pith, pine needles, and dry fallen leaves, while preparing organic waste mixtures for composting, one can ensure that the compost produced contains sufficient and long-lasting humus. However, gardeners often find that where they use lignin-rich plant materials, the compost does not ripen rapidly. A technique for making good compost from hard plant materials involves mixing lime in a ratio of 5 kg per 1000 kg of waste material. Lime can be applied as dry powder or after mixing with a sufficient quantity of water. Treatment with lime enhances the process of decomposition of hard materials.
- Liming can enhance the humification process in plant residues by enhancing microbial population and activity and by weakening lignin structure. It also improves the humus quality by changing the ratio of humic to fulvic acids and decreases the amount of bitumen, which interferes with the decomposition process. Instead of lime, powdered phosphate rock can be used in a ratio of 20 kg per 1 000 kg of organic waste. Phosphate rock contains a lot of lime. The phosphates and micronutrients contained in phosphate rock make composts rich in plant nutrients.
- This method has been developed for composting weeds such as parthenium, water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes), cyperus (Cyperus rotundus) and cynodon (Cynodon dactylon).
- 250 g of Trichoderma viride and Pleurotus sajor-caju consortia, and 5 kg of urea. An elevated shaded place is selected, or a thatched shed is erected. An area of 500 cm × 150 cm is marked out. The material to be composted is cut to 10-15 cm in size. About 100 kg of cut material is spread over the marked area. About 50 g of microbial consortia is sprinkled over this layer. About 100 kg of weeds are spread on this layer. One kilogram of urea is sprinkled uniformly over the layer. This process is repeated until the level rises to 1 m. Water is sprinkled as necessary to maintain a moisture level of 50-60 percent. Thereafter, the surface of the heap is covered with a thin layer of soil. The pile requires a thorough turning on the twenty-first day. The compost is ready in about 40 days.
Compost enrichment
- Application of superphosphate, bonemeal or phosphate rock: 1 kg of superphosphate or bonemeal is applied over each layer of animal dung. Low-grade phosphate rock can also be used for this purpose.
- Use of animal bones: these can be broken into small pieces, boiled with wood ash leachate or lime water and drained, and the residue applied to the pits. This procedure of boiling bones facilitates their disintegration. Even the addition of raw bones, broken into small pieces and added to the pit, improves the nutrient value of compost significantly.
- Wood ash waste can also be added to increase the K content of compost.
- Addition of N-fixing and P-solubilizing cultures (IARI, 1989): The quality of compost can be further improved by the secondary inoculation of Azotobacter, Azospirillum lipoferum, and Azospirillum brasilence (N-fixers); and Bacillus megaterium or Pseudomonas sp. (P solubilizers). These organisms, in the form of culture broth or water suspension of biofertilizer products, can be sprinkled when the decomposing material is turned after one month. By this time, the temperature of the compost has also stabilized at about 35 °C. As a result of this inoculation, the N content of straw compost can be increased by up to 2 percent. In addition to improving N content and the availability of other plant nutrients, these additions help to reduce the composting time considerably.
- Reduces the soil bulk density and improves the soil structure directly by loosening heavy soils with organic matter, and indirectly by means of aggregate-stabilizing humus contained in composts. Incorporating composts into compacted soils improves root penetration and turf establishment.
- Increases the water-holding capacity of the soil directly by binding water to organic matter, and indirectly by improving the soil structure, thus improving the absorption and movement of water into the soil. Therefore, water requirement and irrigation will be reduced.
- Protects the surface soil from water and wind erosion by reducing the soil-dispersion action of beating raindrops, increasing infiltration, reducing water runoff, and increasing surface wetness. Preventing erosion is essential for protecting waterways and maintaining the quality and productivity of the soil.
- Helps bind the soil particles into crumbs by the fungi or actinomycetes mycelia contained in the compost and stimulated in the soil by its application, generally increasing the stability of the soil against wind and water erosion.
- Improves soil aeration and thus supplies enough oxygen to the roots and escapes excess carbon dioxide from the root space.
- Increases the soil temperature directly by its dark color, which increases heat absorption by the soil, and indirectly by the improved soil structure.
- Helps moderate soil temperature and prevents rapid fluctuations of soil temperature, hence, providing a better environment for root growth. This is especially true of compost used as a surface mulch.
- Enables soils to hold more plant nutrients and increases the cation exchange capacity (CEC), anion exchange capacity (AEC), and buffering capacity of soils for longer periods of time after composts are applied to soils. This is important mainly for soils containing little clay and organic matter.
- Builds up nutrients in the soil. Composts contain the major nutrients required by all plants [N,P,K, calcium (Ca), magnesium(Mg), and S] plus essential micronutrients or trace elements, such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), boron (B), and molybdenum (Mb).
- The nutrients from mature composts are released to the plants slowly and steadily. The benefits will last for more than one season.
- Stabilizes the volatile nitrogen of raw materials into large protein particles during composting, thereby reducing N losses.
- Provides active agents, such as growth substances, which may be beneficial mainly to germinating plants.
- Adds organic matter and humus to regenerate poor soils.
- Buffers the soil against rapid changes due to acidity, alkalinity, salinity, pesticides, and toxic heavy metals.
- Supplies food and encourages the growth of beneficial microorganisms and earthworms.
- Helps suppress certain plant diseases, soil borne diseases, and parasites.
- Research has shown that composts can help control plant diseases (e.g. Pythium root rot, Rhizoctonia root rot, chili wilt, and parasitic nematode) and reduce crop losses. A major California fruit and vegetable grower was able to cut pesticide use by 80% after three years of compost applications as part of an organic matter management system. Research has also indicated that some composts, particularly those prepared from tree barks, release chemicals that inhibit some plant pathogens. Disease control with compost has been attributed to four possible mechanisms:
- 1) successful competition for nutrients by beneficial microorganisms;
2) antibiotic production by beneficial microorganisms;
3) successful predation against pathogens by beneficial microorganisms;
4) activation of disease-resistant genes in plants by composts; and
5) high temperatures that result from composting kill pathogens. - Reduces and kills weed seeds by a combination of factors including the heat of the compost pile, rotting, and premature germination.
- Brings higher prices for organically grown crops.
- Composting can offer several potential economic benefits to communities:
- Extends current landfill longevity and delays the construction of a more expensive replacement landfill or incinerator.
- Reduces or avoids landfill or combustor tipping fees, and reduces waste disposal fees and long-distance transportation costs.
- Offers environmental benefits from reduced landfill and combustion use.
- Creates new jobs for citizens.
- Produces marketable products and a less-cost alternative to standard landfill cover, artificial soil amendments, and conventional bioremediation techniques.
- Provides a source of plant nutrients and improves soil fertility; results in significant cost savings by reducing the need for water, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and nematodes.
- Used as an alternative to natural topsoil in new construction, landscape renovations, and container gardens. Using composts in these types of applications is not only less expensive than purchasing topsoil, but it can also often produce better results when establishing a healthy vegetative cover.
- Used as mulch for trees, orchards, landscapes, lawns, gardens, and makes an excellent potting mix. Placed over the roots of plants, compost mulch conserves water and stabilizes soil temperatures. In addition, it keeps plants healthy by controlling weeds, providing a slow release of nutrients, and preventing soil loss through erosion.