Organic waste composting process refers to a sequence of steps by which organic waste materials such as leaves, grass, fruits, vegetables, and others are acted upon by microorganisms in the presence of water and oxygen to produce humus. The humus is a product enriched with fiber and inorganic nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. Humus is a natural fertilizer that is friendly to the environment. The composting process can vary depending on the method or equipment used. Apart from the natural method, composting can also be done with the aid of machine
Earth Care Equipment Pvt. Ltd has developed different types of equipment for the purpose of composting organic waste. The company is well known for the use of RTCT for commercial composting and Kwik Composter for small scale composting. The process used in each case varies.
There are three types of composting that are generally considered namely aerobic, anaerobic, and vermicomposting.
Composting methods
Composting needs vary from one person to another, and they also vary from time to time. This is what necessitates a matching variation in composting methods. It is advisable that one understands the advantages of composting with each different method so as to be able to choose the most appropriate composter. It is also worth noting that the effectiveness of each method varies.
Composting methods may be considered under the following descriptions:
Open air composting
This is a traditional method involving building a pile of green and brown organic waste in your backyard. It is sometimes referred to as hot composting due to the amount of heat that builds up with the pile of waste, especially when it is done on large scale. You may have to construct a bay or use bins to support the pilling of waste.
Direct composting 
This method entails simply digging a hole or a trench in the ground in which organic waste can be buried. This is one of the oldest methods known to be effective in composting organic waste. Compared to other methods, the time taken by the waste to decompose is relatively long. However, the process can be faster if the organic waste materials can be chopped up into small pieces.
Tumbler composting
This involves the use of a tumbler unit to produce compost from organic waste. There are many different shapes and sizes of tumblers that can be bought from local hardware stores. The work of composting using this unit is labour intensive because you have to keep turning it daily or every few days. For long term composting, mechanized tumblers are recommended. It is also recommended that you use two units, so that you can alternate the decomposition process.
The method is good when you have large amounts of organic waste and you have enough space to fit the tumbler composting unit.
Worm farm composting
This is the most popular and preferred method of composting organic waste. This is mainly because it is capable of growing worms, producing compost and keeping rats and snakes out of the compost heap. The worms produce castings that are enriched with nutrients, though lower in nitrogen compared to what other methods produce.
The advantage with this method is that it can be used even without a garden, you just need to find any appropriate thing that you can afford. However, metal containers like copper leaches are not recommended because they are toxic to the worms. Foam containers may also not be good because worm juice would eat out the foam and the juice would leak everywhere. With plastic containers you can collect the juice, although you will need to fit a tap to drain it off.
The worms would need to be kept away from the sun, frost, and rain because they are temperamental and they can easily escape if the conditions are not right. It is recommended that you use worms that are local to the area, unless you are sure that worms from other areas can survive. Examples of worms that may be used in composting include Lumbricus rubellus, Eisenia fetida, pontoscolex corethrunus or pheretima group that is commonly found in gardens.
EMO composting
EMO is an abbreviation for Effective MicroOrganisms. This method is generally used for indoor composting. The most common product of this method is Bokashi system which aids the composting process. EMO can be purchased online and it can be used with other systems to facilitate the composting process.
Combination composting
This method is also referred to as Compot composting. It combines open air composting, direct composting, worm farm composting, and EMO composting. This combination makes the method flexible enough to suit most household circumstances. The method can be used to compost virtually all types of organic waste. This method is faster and requires less work compared to other composting methods.
Commercial composting
This method produces compost in long rows. The process entails turning organic waste every 3 to 4 days and the compost is generally ready in about 6 weeks. Apart from the organic waste, other composting materials include sand, ferrous sulphate or sulphate of ammonia. All the materials are mixed together.
Mechanical composting
This is an efficient method of composting organic waste. It uses electricity to create the required heat and to rotate the contents to produce semi-composted waste within a day. This method is suitable for restaurants, hotels, hospitals, schools and other large institutions.
Composting process in RTCT
The composting process used by Earth Care Equipments Pvt. Ltd with their Re-Engineered Traditional Composting Technology (RTCT) is a commercial composting process and it has five main stages basically described as follows:
1. Receiving of mixed municipal waste   
In this case, the waste is considered mixed because it is in two categories namely organic waste and garden waste. The two categories of waste are received separately. Organic waste include such things as vegetables, fruits and fruit skins, paper, egg shells, meat and bread.  Garden waste include such things as leaves, flowers, grass, weeds, tree bark, pruned branches, clippings and twigs.
2. Segregation 
After receiving, the waste is then segregated. Waste segregation is the process of separating wet waste from dry waste. Wet wastes which mainly come from hotels and restaurants are usually heavy because of dampness. With the RTCT, the wet waste does not need segregation. Dry waste is manually segregated into recyclable material, organic waste, metals, and inert material.
3. Shredding and mixing
Both organic waste and garden waste can be shredded. Shredding refers to the act of tearing or cutting the municipal waste into small pieces. Shredding speeds up the process of composting because the smaller the pieces, the faster the microorganisms break down the waste in the compost bin. After shredding, the two categories of waste can then be mixed before composting.
4. Composting
This stage entails passing the mixed waste through the composting chamber of the RTCT. Composting is the process by which microorganisms break down the waste into its simplest components. The process is facilitated by the availability of water and oxygen in the mixture. This process produces compost, which is popularly used as a fertilizer.
Once the waste is properly composted, other important tasks include curing, maturation, and filtration. Curing refers to the act of slowing down the decomposition process. Also, stabilization and humification of the organic matter happens at this point. Maturation involves further removal of organic matter (pathogens) and other pollutants in the waste. Filtration on the other hand is the process of separating suspended solids from liquids in the waste. It involves the use of a suitable filter.
5. Selling
This is the stage at which compost is packaged for sale. Apart from the compost, other products of the composting process that can be sold include recyclable material, metals, and inert material.
Composting process with Kwik Composter
With a Kwik Composter from Earth Care Equipments Pvt. Ltd, the process of composting step by step usually proceeds as follows:
  1. Loading organic waste through inlet together with carbonaceous material and composting culture.
  2. Mixing, curing is automatically done by the machine
  3. Ready compost keeps collecting in the machine’s chamber or in a bag.
  4. Finally, the compost is removed as soon as the chamber is full.
Benefits of composting 
Composting is a process that is associated with the following benefits:
  1. It enriches the soil by fixing valuable nitrogen.
  2. It helps the soil to retain moisture.
  3. It helps in suppressing plant diseases and pests.
  4. It reduces the use of chemical fertilizers.
  5. It encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that help in breaking down organic matter to create a rich nutrient-filled material called humus.
  6. It reduces the emission of methane gas from landfills and it helps in lowering our carbon footprint.
There is a significant number of composting methods available for you to use depending on your unique needs. Some are similar, some are same, some are more efficient, some work as a combination, and some are just different. The different methods cause differences in composting processes. They would better be represented in a composting process diagram. Nevertheless, composting remains the best thing you can do for your business, garden and environment.

Compost Microorganisms

by Nancy Trautmann and Elaina Olynciw

The Phases of Composting

In the process of composting, microorganisms break down organic matter and produce carbon dioxide, water, heat, and humus, the relatively stable organic end product. Under optimal conditions, composting proceeds through three phases: 1) the mesophilic, or moderate-temperature phase, which lasts for a couple of days, 2) the thermophilic, or high-temperature phase, which can last from a few days to several months, and finally, 3) a several-month cooling and maturation phase.
Different communities of microorganisms predominate during the various composting phases. Initial decomposition is carried out by mesophilic microorganisms, which rapidly break down the soluble, readily degradable compounds. The heat they produce causes the compost temperature to rapidly rise.
As the temperature rises above about 40°C, the mesophilic microorganisms become less competitive and are replaced by others that are thermophilic, or heat-loving. At temperatures of 55°C and above, many microorganisms that are human or plant pathogens are destroyed. Because temperatures over about 65°C kill many forms of microbes and limit the rate of decomposition, compost managers use aeration and mixing to keep the temperature below this point.
During the thermophilic phase, high temperatures accelerate the breakdown of proteins, fats, and complex carboydrates like cellulose and hemicellulose, the major structural molecules in plants. As the supply of these high-energy compounds becomes exhausted, the compost temperature gradually decreases and mesophilic microorganisms once again take over for the final phase of "curing" or maturation of the remaining organic matter.


Bacteria are the smallest living organisms and the most numerous in compost; they make up 80 to 90% of the billions of microorganisms typically found in a gram of compost. Bacteria are responsible for most of the decomposition and heat generation in compost. They are the most nutritionally diverse group of compost organisms, using a broad range of enzymes to chemically break down a variety of organic materials.
Bacteria are single-celled and structured as either rod-shaped bacilli, sphere-shaped cocci or spiral-shaped spirilla. Many are motile, meaning that they have the ability to move under their own power. At the beginning of the composting process (0-40°C), mesophilic bacteria predominate. Most of these are forms that can also be found in topsoil.
As the compost heats up above 40°C, thermophilic bacteria take over. The microbial populations during this phase are dominated by members of the genus Bacillus. The diversity of bacilli species is fairly high at temperatures from 50-55°C but decreases dramatically at 60°C or above. When conditions become unfavorable, bacilli survive by forming endospores, thick-walled spores that are highly resistant to heat, cold, dryness, or lack of food. They are ubiquitous in nature and become active whenever environmental conditions are favorable.
At the highest compost temperatures, bacteria of the genus Thermus have been isolated. Composters sometimes wonder how microorganisms evolved in nature that can withstand the high temperatures found in active compost. Thermus bacteria were first found in hot springs in Yellowstone National Park and may have evolved there. Other places where thermophilic conditions exist in nature include deep sea thermal vents, manure droppings, and accumulations of decomposing vegetation that have the right conditions to heat up just as they would in a compost pile.
Once the compost cools down, mesophilic bacteria again predominate. The numbers and types of mesophilic microbes that recolonize compost as it matures depend on what spores and organisms are present in the compost as well as in the immediate environment. In general, the longer the curing or maturation phase, the more diverse the microbial community it supports.


The characteristic earthy smell of soil is caused by actinomycetes, organisms that resemble fungi but actually are filamentous bacteria. Like other bacteria, they lack nuclei, but they grow multicellular filaments like fungi. In composting they play an important role in degrading complex organics such as cellulose, lignin, chitin, and proteins. Their enzymes enable them to chemically break down tough debris such as woody stems, bark, or newspaper. Some species appear during the thermophilic phase, and others become important during the cooler curing phase, when only the most resistant compounds remain in the last stages of the formation of humus.
Actinomycetes form long, thread-like branched filaments that look like gray spider webs stretching through compost. These filaments are most commonly seen toward the end of the composting process, in the outer 10 to 15 centimeters of the pile. Sometimes they appear as circular colonies that gradually expand in diameter.


Fungi include molds and yeasts, and collectively they are responsible for the decomposition of many complex plant polymers in soil and compost. In compost, fungi are important because they break down tough debris, enabling bacteria to continue the decomposition process once most of the cellulose has been exhausted. They spread and grow vigorously by producing many cells and filaments, and they can attack organic residues that are too dry, acidic, or low in nitrogen for bacterial decomposition.
Most fungi are classified as saprophytes because they live on dead or dying material and obtain energy by breaking down organic matter in dead plants and animals. Fungal species are numerous during both mesophilic and thermophilic phases of composting. Most fungi live in the outer layer of compost when temperatures are high. Compost molds are strict aerobes that grow both as unseen filaments and as gray or white fuzzy colonies on the compost surface.


Protozoa are one-celled microscopic animals. They are found in water droplets in compost but play a relatively minor role in decomposition. Protozoa obtain their food from organic matter in the same way as bacteria do but also act as secondary consumers ingesting bacteria and fungi.


Rotifers are microscopic multicellular organisms also found in films of water in the compost. They feed on organic matter and also ingest bacteria and fungi.

The illustrations and photographs were produced by Elaina Olynciw, biology teacher at A.Philip Randolf High School, New York City, while she was working in the laboratory of Dr. Eric Nelson at Cornell University as part of the Teacher Institute of Environmental Sciences.
Thanks to Fred Michel (Michigan State University, NSF Center for Microbial Ecology) and Tom Richard for their helpful reviews of and contributions to this document.

Here is a brief look at the microorganisms that are most important to composting.

These single-celled organisms will eat virtually anything and make up 80-90% of all microorganisms found in compost.
Bacteria use a variety of enzymes to break down organic material by oxidising it, providing them with the resources they need to grow and reproduce. A bi-product of the oxidation process is that heat is generated, creating the ideal conditions for even more voracious microorganisms.
Actinomycetes are a higher from of bacteria similar to fungi and moulds. They specialise in breaking down some of the more resistant materials such as proteins, starches and cellulose. They are responsible for the pleasant earthy smell of compost. Actinomycetes commonly occur in large web-like clusters towards the end of the composting process. 

Fungi includes moulds and yeast - they are experts at breaking down tough debris, which enables bacteria to continue the decomposition process.

The stages of composting
The process of composting organic matter usually involves very distinct stages. Here is a brief look at the main ones.

The Psychrophilic Stage
During winter months, cold-loving psychrophilic bacteria are often the only ones on the scene, and are usually found in temperatures between 0°C and 20°C. As they break down the organic matter a small amount of heat is generated, which slowly but surely builds. When the temperature hits 20°C it becomes too warm for the psychrophilic bacteria and mesophilic bacteria take over.

The Mesophilic Stage 
This stage is often the first, especially if you start your compost during the summer. Mesophilic bacteria break down organic matter into proteins and carbohydrates, constantly generating heat as they do so. Once the temperature of the compost reaches 40°C, the mesophilic bacteria are replaced by heat-loving thermophilic bacteria. 

The Thermophilic Stage
Thermophilic bacteria break down organic matter extremely quickly and as a result, the temperature rises fast and the breakdown of proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates accelerates. When the supply of high-energy compounds is depleted, the temperature starts to drop, which sees the thermophilic bacteria disappear and the mesophilic bacteria return.

The Curing Stage 
The curing stage sees the mesophilic bacteria sharing the workload with fungi and actinomycetes, and together they break down the remaining organic matter. The longer the curing stage, the more diverse its microbial community will be, meaning healthier and more nutrient-rich soil.

Pet waste composting
Dog and cat faeces contain parasites, pathogens and diseases that are harmful to humans, and while they can be killed, consistently high temperatures and the right combination of microorganisms are required. The best approach is to use high intensity composting methods, such as bokashi composting or systems designed specifically for pet waste disposal.
Regardless of the composting method you choose, you shouldn’t use compost made from pet waste on edible plants.
Microorganisms do an amazing job of turning our organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, so make sure you are giving them plenty to do! If you have any questions regarding composting, talk to the experts at Bokashi.

That banana peel in the waste bin will eventually, naturally decompose, as will all organic waste, thanks to helpful microorganisms in the environment that feed on the decaying detritus.

Composting is a process that works to speed up the natural decay of organic material by providing the ideal conditions for detritus-eating organisms to thrive, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The end-product of this concentrated decomposition process is nutrient-rich soil that can help crops, garden plants and trees to grow.

The composting process
Microorganisms are vital to the composting process and are found everywhere in the environment, said Matthew Worsham, the sustainability and energy coordinator at the University of Dayton in Ohio.

The key to effective composting is to create an ideal environment for the microorganisms to thrive, Worsham told Live Science — warm temperatures, nutrients, moisture and plenty of oxygen.


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According to Cornell University, there are three main stages in the composting cycle in which different types of microorganisms thrive.

The first stage is typically only a couple of days long during which mesophilic microorganisms, or microorganisms that thrive in temperatures of about 68 to 113 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 45 degrees Celsius), begin physically breaking down the biodegradable compounds. Heat is a natural byproduct of this initial process and temperatures quickly rise to over 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

Mesophilic microorganisms are replaced by thermophilic microorganisms (microorganisms that thrive in the increased temperatures) during the second stage, which can last from a few days to several months. The thermophilic microbes work to break down the organic materials into finer pieces. The higher temperatures are more conducive to breaking down proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates.

Also, during the second stage, temperatures continue to rise and if not closely watched, the compost pile can get so hot that it can eventually kill off all the helpful microorganisms. Techniques such as aeration and turning over the compost pile help keep temperatures below about 149 degrees F (65 degrees C), as well as provide additional oxygen and new sources for the thermophilic microorganisms to break down.

The third stage, which typically lasts for several months, begins when the thermophilic microorganisms use up the available supply of the compounds. At this stage, temperatures begin to drop enough for mesophilic microorganisms to resume control of the compost pile and finish breaking down the remaining organic matter into usable humus.

The organisms that help
There are two main classes of composting microorganisms, known as aerobes and anaerobes, according to Planet Natural.

The aerobes are bacteria that require oxygen levels of at least 5 percent to survive and are the most important and efficient composting microorganisms, according to the University of Illinois. The aerobes consume the organic waste and excrete chemicals such as nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium, which are nutrients plants need to thrive.

Anaerobic microorganisms are bacteria that don't require oxygen. They also don't process the organic waste as efficiently as aerobic bacteria. Anaeorbs produce chemicals that are occasionally toxic to plants, and they cause composting piles to stink because they release hydrogen sulfide, which smells like rotten eggs.

About 80 to 90 percent of all microorganisms found in compost piles are bacteria, according to Cornell University. The remaining percentage of microorganisms are species of fungi, including molds and yeasts.

In addition to microorganisms, other helpful creatures, such as pill bugs, centipedes and worms, will find their way to the composting pile if the conditions are right. These animals break down the food waste, yard trimmings and other organics in the compost pile and help turn the waste material into nutrient-rich soil.

Worsham is building composting resources at the University of Dayton and is including red wiggler worms in the composting piles. Red wigglers (Eisenia fetida) are the most common worm used in vermicomposting, or composting with worms, Worsham said. The university's vermicomposting piles can break down 10 pounds of food waste and paper per day.

What does and doesn't go in?
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, a balance of "greens" and "browns" is needed to create the proper environment for composting to occur. Greens are nitrogen-rich, and include items such as grass clippings, fruit and vegetable waste, and coffee grounds. Browns are the carbon-rich yard clippings, such as dead leaves, branches and twigs.

A carbon-to-nitrogen ratio between 25 to 1 and 30 to 1 is ideal for rapid composting, according to the University of Illinois. Microorganisms feed on both carbon and nitrogen. The carbon gives the microorganisms energy, much of which is released as carbon dioxide and heat, and the nitrogen provides additional nutrition to continue growing and reproducing.

If there is too much carbon in the compost pile, decomposition occurs at a much slower rate as less heat is generated due to the microorganisms not being able to grow and reproduce as readily, and therefore not able to break down the carbon as readily. On the other hand, an excess of nitrogen can lead to an off-putting ammonia smell and can increase the acidity of the compost pile, which can be toxic for some species of microorganisms.

Proper moisture is also vital for the health of the microorganisms that help with the composting process. A moisture content between 40 and 60 percent provides enough dampness to prevent the microorganisms from becoming dormant but not enough so that oxygen is forced out of the pile.

The amount of oxygen within the compost pile is also important as an oxygen deficit leads to anaerobic microorganisms taking over, and that can lead to a stinky compost pile. Oxygen can be added into the compost pile by stirring or turning over the pile.

What to compost:

Fruits and vegetables
Coffee grounds and filters
Tea bags
Nut shells
Shredded newspaper, paper and cardboard
Yard trimmings including grass, leaves, branches, and twigs
Hay and straw
Cotton and wool rags
Dryer and vacuum cleaner lint
Hair and fur
Fireplace ashes
(Note: The USDA recommends burying food waste if using an open-composting pile to deter unwanted pests looking for a free meal, such as flies, rodents and raccoons.)

What not to compost:

Certain types of tree leaves and twigs such as black walnut, as it releases substances that may be harmful to plants
Coal or coal ash, as they might contain substances that are harmful to plants
Dairy products, eggs, fats and oils, and meat or fish bones and scraps, due to potential odor problems that attract pests such as rodents and flies
Diseased or insect-infested plants, as the disease or insects may survive and be passed along to other plants
Pet waste (including dog and cat feces and used cat litter), as it might contain harmful parasites, bacteria or viruses
Yard trimmings treated with chemical pesticides; as the pesticides might kill composting organisms

Commercial composting companies also collect products such as paper carry-out containers for food and compostable dinnerware and flatware that are specifically labeled BPI Certified Compostable.

Dairy products, eggs, meat products and fats are typically not recommended for the composting pile, but there are many larger commercial composting facilities that are well-suited for dealing with the smells and pathogens that may exist in these products.

To help with the more complex waste, livestock manure is often added to commercial composting sites to help increase the heat and the rate of composting. According to North Dakota State University, livestock manure from herbivores, including cows, sheep and goats, already contains a high amount of nitrogen and many of the aerobic microorganisms that are essential to composting. This type of manure is also typically free of dangerous pathogens that can be found in the manure of meat-eating animals, such as cats and dogs.

Composting helps accelerate the natural decomposition process of organic materials.
Composting helps accelerate the natural decomposition process of organic materials. (Image credit: Shutterstock)
What else can be composted?
Many companies are developing more products that can be composted when disposed of, including dinner and flatware, garbage bags and even diapers. Before putting these items in the compost pile, it is important to make sure they are safe to compost at home or accepted by the local compost collector. [Top 10 Craziest Environmental Ideas]

Huantian Cao, professor of fashion and apparel studies at the University of Delaware, co-directs a sustainable apparel project that's working on developing compostable apparel. Cao and his team have developed a shoe that is essentially made of mushrooms.

The prototype sandal is made from a variety of compostable parts, Cao told Live Science. The midsole is made from a mushroom mycelium composite that can go right into a home composter along with all the food scraps. The insole and outsole of the shoe are made with biodegradable vegetable-tanned leather and the straps of the sandal are made with cotton, both of which can be composted at larger, commercial composting sites.

Composting at home
Randi Cox and Kathy Gutowsky, owners of the commercial composting company, Green Camino, have been composting since they were young and now educate their community about the benefits of composting, whether through use of their company or at home.

"Composting is an entryway drug to zero waste," Gutowsky said. "As you start composting, you are really starting to pay attention to what you are throwing away and you start to look at what you are buying and what is coming in."


Gutowsky said that many of their clients make lifestyle changes to minimize what goes in their waste bins, including not buying products with excess plastic packaging and buying locally when possible. "It's really a mindset shift," Gutowsky told Live Science.

If you don't have access to a commercial composting site, getting started at home is as easy as putting together a pile in the corner of your yard. Many hardware stores sell composting bins of various types and sizes to accommodate each home's need. Be sure to check regulations on composting where you live by visiting your city or county waste department web page. Additional help getting started or any questions you may have can often be answered at your local hardware store, nursery or local farmer's markets

Effective Microorganisms (EM) are mixed cultures of beneficial naturally-occurring organisms that can be applied as inoculants to increase the microbial diversity of soil ecosystem. They consist mainly of the photosynthesizing bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, actinomycetes and fermenting fungi. These microorganisms are physiologically compatible with one another and can coexist in liquid culture. There is evidence that EM inoculation to the soil can improve the quality of soil, plant growth and yield (Kengo and Hui-lian, 2000).

Background and Concept of Effective Microorganisms
Photo courtesy of Nadia Lawton. Taken at PRI Zaytuna Farm.
Photo courtesy of Nadia Lawton. Taken at PRI Zaytuna Farm.
Healthy soil ecology has the capability of protecting plants against soil associated diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms and parasites. The soil system offers this protection through a balanced relationship between pathogenic and billions of beneficial microorganisms working together in synergy. The presence of these beneficial microorganisms in any soil system is what precisely distinguishes a “living soil” from a “dead soil”. They decompose and ferment organic fraction of the soil system converting it into humus containing nutrients while releasing hormones that facilitate plant growth. They are responsible for providing hormones, nutrients and minerals in a useable form to the plants through the root system. In addition, they bring together soil particles in the soil structure enabling it to retain nutrients and moisture (Kengo and Hui-lian, 2000).

Soil ecosystem can therefore be regarded as a “living system” costing of diverse groups of microorganisms. For this reason, farmers had long before been using animal manures, composts and “compost tea” which is a liquid extract of compost that also contains plant growth compounds and beneficial microorganisms. These mixtures could then be applied to soil and crops to improve the soil quality and help protect crop plants against microbiological infections (Ghosh et al., 2004).

Composted organic materials including animal manures have natural populations of diverse micro-organisms. Many of these organisms exert beneficial effects upon introduction to the soil system. However, they are soon overtaken and suppressed by the natural inhabitants of the soil ecosystem. Building on this practice, microbiologists have developed effective micro-organisms consisting mainly of billions of the beneficial microorganisms that have been isolated from the same natural organic amendments and environments.

Beneficial Effects of Effective Microorganisms
The beneficial effects of micro-organisms introduced with the application of composts, animal manure and “compost tea” are often short lived leaving crop plants exposed to soil associated conditions. On application, EM mixtures are also subjected to the same conditions in the soil environment. However, the main advantage the effective microorganisms have over natural organisms in organic amendments is that in EM, beneficial microorganisms are in much greater numbers, and in optimally-balanced populations when introduced. They would therefore persist in the soil environment for a much longer time enough to bring about the beneficial effects.

Photo courtesy of Nadia Lawton. Taken at PRI Zaytuna Farm.
Photo courtesy of Nadia Lawton. Taken at PRI Zaytuna Farm.
Studies have shown that, not only does the use of effective microorganisms in agricultural soil suppress soil-borne pathogens, but also increases the decomposition of organic materials and consequently the availability of mineral nutrients and important organic compounds to plants (Singh et al., 2003). In addition, EM enhances the activities of beneficial indigenous micro organisms, for example mycorrhizae which fix atmospheric nitrogen thereby supplementing the use of chemical fertiliser and pesticides. Improvement in soil fertility has significant positive effect on plant growth, flowering, fruit development and ripening in crops (Lévai et al., 2006).

Introduction of a population of beneficial bacteria (EM) in the soil have a supporting effect in reducing soil associated microbiological diseases. The inoculation of EM stimulates “Rotation effect”, an occurrence that comes as a result of regeneration of beneficial organisms and elimination of pathogenic bacteria. Disease suppression is brought about by the competion for available resources between the disease causing microbes in the soil and beneficial microbes introduced in EM. As a result of this, an enhanced population of effective microorganisms through inoculation will deplete the available resources in the soil leading to reduction of pathogenic microorganisms due to starvation (Johan and Jesper, 2005).

The mainstays of EM are the photosynthetic bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas spp.), lactic acid bacteria, (Lactobacillus spp.) and yeasts (Saccharomyces spp.) (Zuraini et al., 2010). The photosynthetic bacteria are independent self sustaining microorganisms. They harvest energy from the sun and soil heat and use it to convert exudates from root systems, soil organic fraction and gases such as ammonia into building materials of cells such as amino acids, nucleic acids and sugars.

These can all be absorbed directly into plants to promote plant growth and also in the soil system promote and maintain the growth and establishment of other beneficial microorganisms. For example, Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM fungi), known to enhance the plant’s absorption capability of soil phosphates, increases in the root zone in the presence of amino acids secreted by the beneficial bacteria. In addition, in the soil ecosystem, The VAM fungi live in association with Azotobacter and Rhizobium which increase the capacity of plants to fix Nitrogen.

The lactic acid bacteria in EM are known to produce lactic acid from sugars and carbohydrates the photosynthetic bacteria and yeasts in EM produce. Lactic acid has sterilizing effects and it presence in the soil checks the proliferation of nematode population and offers protection against nematode associated plant diseases. Lactic acid bacteria in EM also participate in the breakdown of cellulolytic and lignified organic materials in the soil (Ouwehand, 1998).

On the other hand, the yeasts in EM produce hormones and enzymes that are known to promote plant cell and root division. They utilize the amino acids and sugars secreted by the photosynthetic bacteria and plant roots and in turn produce growth factors for the lactic acid bacteria. It can therefore be concluded that, the different species of organisms in EM complement each other and are in a mutually beneficial relationship with the roots of plants in the soil ecosystem. Plants would therefore grow exceptionally well in soils inhabited and dominated by these Effective Microorganisms (Pei-Feng et al., 2014).

Effect & benefits of Effective Microorganisms in compost and sewage
The eMB product range has been specially developed for processing of sewage and waste. The EM products for composting support the existing microbiology and suppress unwanted microorganisms such as filamentous bacteria. This eliminates bad odours and the Effective Microorganisms (EM) speed up composting processes with less need for turning.

Increased oxygen availability in sewage works
Reduction of floating and bulking sludge
Reduction of sewage sludge and bad odours
Acceleration of composting processes by prevention of decomposition processes
Easier breakdown

Function & effect of Effective Microorganisms
[Microorganisms]: Microscopically small and very beneficial creatures that make up 70 % of all living matter.

Effective Microorganisms (EM) are a liquid mixed culture made up of lactic acid bacteria, photosynthesis bacteria and yeast. They are the basis for all Multikraft products, which are created by fermentation. During fermentation, organic substances (such as herbs, sugar cane molasses etc.) are converted by enzymes or microorganisms. The addition of microorganisms enables substances to be created that would be very difficult or even impossible to produce chemically.

To create Multikraft products, special microorganisms are cultivated using sugar cane molasses in a multi-stage process. During this fermentation process, sugar cane molasses is broken down and Effective Microorganisms multiply. The special composition of EM makes the end product exceptionally valuable and rich in extremely antioxidant, life-supporting substances (enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, bioactive substances etc.).

The best example of fermentation is the production of sauerkraut. During this process, nutrition that is rich in vitamin C is produced from raw cabbage which is low in vitamin C. This is induced by the fermentative bacteria, especially lactic acid cultures in this case. 

Products containing Effective Microorganisms

positively influence and regenerate the microbial environment (soil, plants, skin, household surfaces etc.).
are "living" and continue working in every environment where they are used. The regenerative microorganisms become dominant and pathogenic bacteria are eliminated.
are used wherever bacteria live: in the soil and on plants (gardening and agriculture), in animal husbandry, on the skin (cosmetics), in ponds and pools or in cleaning.
accelerate the transformation of organic materials and prevent decomposition.
The anti-oxidisation principle
The antioxidants in Effective Microorganisms are able to neutralise free radicals and promote a regenerative environment.

Oxidisation: is the bonding of substances with oxygen (e.g.: Iron + oxygen = rust; cut apple + oxygen = brown cut surface). Increased free radicals, which are damaging to the environment, may be produced during oxidisation.

Anti-oxidisation: stops substances bonding with oxygen or reverses this process (e.g.: rusting is prevented or reversed, the cut surface of the apple stays light for longer).

Effective Microorganisms produce large quantities of antioxidants. These primarily consist of: polysaccharides, chelated minerals with catalytic activity as well as limited quantities of vitamins C and E and micro-nutrients.

The dominance principle of Effective Microorganisms
There are three general types of microorganisms:

decomposing/degenerative/decay-forming microorganisms
neutral - opportunistic - microorganisms
constructive regenerative/fermentative microorganisms
Effective Microorganisms can be classified as the regenerative type. They can directly and indirectly prevent decomposition in all substances and thus keep living organisms and the environment healthy.

The degenerative type of micro-organisms behave in exactly the opposite way to the regenerative ones. The neutral micro-organisms form the biggest group and adhere to the so-called dominance principle of any group that is dominant in a system. Thus, if we can create an environment in which the regenerative micro-organisms are prevalent, these neutral micro-organisms follow the construction process. Therefore using EM Effective Microorganisms opens up completely new dimensions in many areas of life.

Effective microorganism
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Effective microorganisms (EM) are various blends of common predominantly anaerobic microorganisms in a carbohydrate-rich liquid carrier substrate (molasses nutrient solution) of EM Research Organization, Inc.,[1][2] The efficacy of EM on agricultural crops has been studied throughout the world. A review article (2013), which studies the nature of EM and the effect of EM on growth, yield, quality, and protection of vegetable plants, conclude “in 70% of published studies, it was concluded that EM had a positive effect on growth of vegetable, while, in the other 30%, they had no significant influence.[3]

Some studies stated that Effective microorganisms (EM-A, EM-Bokashi) show no effect on yield and soil microbiology in field experiments as bio-fertilizer in organic farming.

Many of the so-called "pit additives" used for improving the performance of sanitation systems, namely pit latrines, septic tanks and wastewater treatment plants, are also based on EM. Despite the claims made by manufacturers, available studies which have used scientific methods to investigate these additives have come to the conclusion that long-term beneficial effects are not proven.[4][5]

1 Possible constituents
2 Background
2.1 Validation
3 Applications
4 References
Possible constituents
One trademarked product was originally (c. 1985) marketed as EM-1 Microbial Inoculant.[6] Such EM blends include:[7]

Lactic acid bacteria : Lactobacillus casei
Photosynthetic bacteria: Rhodopseudomonas palustris
Yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Others: beneficial microorganisms that exist naturally in the environment may thrive in the mixture.
In his presentational essay "EM: A Holistic Technology For Humankind", Higa states:"I developed a mixture of microbes, using the very common species found in all environments as extensively used in the food industry–namely Lactic Acid Bacteria, Photosynthetic Bacteria an[d] Yeasts (..) EM (..) was developed by accident (..)"[8]

The concept of "friendly microorganisms" was developed by Professor Teruo Higa, from the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan. He stated in the 1980s that a combination of approximately 80 different microorganisms was capable of positively influencing decomposing organic matter such that it reverts into a "life promoting" process. Higa invoked a "dominance principle" to explain the asserted effects of his "Effective Microorganisms". He claimed that three groups of microorganisms exist: "positive microorganisms" (regeneration), "negative microorganisms" (decomposition, degeneration), "opportunist microorganisms" (regeneration or degeneration). Higa stated that in every medium (soil, water, air, the human intestine), the ratio of "positive" and "negative" microorganisms was critical, since the opportunist microorganisms followed the trend to regeneration or degeneration. Therefore, he claimed that it was possible to positively influence the given media by supplementing with "positive" microorganisms.

The concept has been challenged and no scientific studies support its main claims. This was acknowledged by Higa in a 1994 paper co-authored by Higa and soil microbiologist James F Parr. They conclude "the main the problem of reproducibility and lack of consistent results.".[9]

Various experimenters have examined the use of EM in making organic fertilizers and investigated the effects of the fermented organic fertilizer on soil fertility and crop growth, not distinguishing the effects of the microorganisms in the EM treatments from the effect of the EM nutrient solution in the carrier substrate. The resulting effects on crop growth depend nonspecifically upon multiple factors, including effects of the introduced EM nutrient solution with microorganisms, effects of the naturally microorganism-rich bio-organic fraction in the soil, and indirect effects of microbially-synthesized metabolites (e.g., phytohormones and growth regulators).[10][11][12][13][14][15]

The effectiveness of ″Effective Microorganisms (EM)″ was investigated scientifically in an organic farming field experiment between 2003-2006 at Zürich, Switzerland, differentiating the effects of the EM microorganisms from the effects of the EM nutrient solution in the carrier substrate of the EM treatments. "The experiment was arranged to separate the effect of the microorganisms in the EM treatments (EM-Bokashi and EM-A) from its substrate (sterilized treatments)." EM microorganisms showed no effect on yield and soil microbiology as bio-fertilizer in organic farming. Observed effects related to the effect of the nutrition rich carrier substrate of the EM preparations. "Hence ‘Effective Microorganisms’ will not be able to improve yields and soil quality in mid term (3 years) in organic arable farming."[5][16]

In a study (2010), Factura et al. collected human fecal matter in airtight buckets (Bokashi-dry toilet) over several weeks, adding a mix of biochar, lime and soil after each deposit of fecal matter. Two inoculants were tested—sauerkraut juice (pickled sour cabbage) and commercial EM. The combination of charcoal and inoculant was very effective in suppressing odors and stabilizing the material. EM had no advantage over sauerkraut juice.[17]

Due to the fact that only very few studies exist which have used scientific methods to investigate additives based on EM, any claims made by manufacturers regarding long-term beneficial effects need to be evaluated in the intended conditions.

In Agriculture, the effect of long term application of EM compost for soil fertility and crop yield improvement was investigated at China Agricultural University from 1993 to 2013. This filed experiment show that “The application of EM in combination with compost significantly increased wheat straw biomass, grain yield, straw and grain nutrition compared with traditional compost and control treatment.” Also, the experiment indicates the significant efficacy of EM on organic nutrition sources.[18]

In water treatment, Abdel-Shafy, H.I et al. (2014) examined the different hybrid treatment process for handling grey water for reuse. This study prove the reduction of TSS, COD, and BOD with addition of EM. Furthermore, it states that “Addition of effective micro-organisms (EM) to the raw greywater enhance the settling and aeration process effectively” and “increasing the EM dose to 1.5ml/L and settling time up to 4.5 h followed by aeration for 90 min could improve the final effluent up to the permissible level”. This final effluent meets the ‘Egyptian Guideline’ for unrestricted water reuse.[19]

In addition, the effect of EM on reduction of COD and BOD of wastewater is proved in the studies with Yamuna waste water (the river of the Ganges in northern India) and the rubber processing wastewater.[20] Namsivayama. S.K.R et al. (2011) also illustrates that “The result of the experiment shows that EM has the potential to improve the effectiveness of treatment of domestic wastes”.[21]

EM-Bokashi, invented and marketed by Higa, uses commercial EM to ferment organic kitchen waste. Treatments with EM-Bokashi show no effects on soil microbiology or as bio-fertilizer which are caused by the EM microorganisms. Observed effects relate to the effect of the nutrition rich compost carrier substrate of the EM-Bokashi preparation.[5][16] Natural Yogurt, or Sauerkraut juice (pickled sour cabbage) can be successfully substituted for commercial EM-bokashi bran.[22][23]

In a community course of the Christchurch city council, New Zealand, 4-13-year-old students were invited to "learn the science behind reducing and utilising organic waste as a resource by turning it into natural fertilisers",[24] using EM in Bokashi composting for home kitchen waste at the EcoDepot/EcoDrop.[25]

In India, effective microorganisms have been used in an attempt to treat some sewage-polluted lakes in Bangalore in 2015.[26]

After the Bangkok floods of 2011 effective microorganisms were used in an attempt to treat polluted water.[27]

Scientific methods to investigate applications of waste water additives have come to the conclusion that long-term beneficial effects are not proven.[4]

Pit additives used for improving the performance of sanitation systems do not work, because "the quantity of bacteria introduced to the pit by dosing additives is insignificant compared to the number already present in the faecal sludge. Similarly, while some additives operate on the logic of adding more nutrients to the sludge to feed bacteria and encourage their growth, faecal sludge is already rich in nutrients."[4]

Aerobic Method:

The turners and tumblers for composting are designed to allow air into the materials you wish to compost. Compost, by definition is the aerobic breakdown of organic matter. It is a rotting process. During this process, turning the contraption often and adding water keeps the materials moist. Adding Activated EM•1® to a compost pile helps increase the air flow into the pile, increasing the aerobic microbe populations in the pile. This means you can get more air transfer in a pile with less turning...or less work!

Add 10 ounces of Activated EM•1 ® for every cubic foot of material (or 90 ounces for a cubic yard).

Static Pile (Anaerobic Method):

This is usually for larger items like sticks and leaves that will take a longer time to break down than grass and food scraps. These piles are usually left for about a year and may be turned once or twice during that time.

Add about 10 ounces of Activated EM•1® for every cubic foot of material (or 90 ounces for a cubic yard).


Get rid of those piles and just dig a hole or trench. After digging a hole or trench that will hold all the organic materials you want to break down, simply back-fill the hold with the materials. As you add them to the hole, spray them until moist with a mixture of water and Activated EM•1 ®

Add about 10 ounces of Activated EM•1 ® for every cubic foot of material (or 90 ounces for a cubic yard).

EM•1® Bokashi Method (Semi-anaerobic):

This is a quick fermentation method that is centuries old. Organic materials (carbon: leaves, grass, wood chips, etc.) are collected and piled. If adding fresh manure (cow, horse, chicken, pig, rabbit, etc.), mix at a ratio of 1 carbon: 20 parts manure.

As the materials are piled, water with a solution of EM•1®, molasses, and water (1:1:100). The moisture content of the pile should be about 30-35% moisture.

Once this is achieved, cover the pile with a tarp and weigh down with rocks and/ or boards. Fermentation will take about two weeks. The longer you let it sit, the better.

After the fermentation cycle is complete, the materials are ready to incorporate into the soil. You will likely see white mold on the pile. This is a beneficial mold and is a sign of success. Depending on what was used (food scraps, etc.) you will not want to mulch with this material as it will attract animals. If it is made only with plant material, you can mix it with compost or bark mulch to use as a mulch.

For piles larger than a cubic yard, the application rate of Activated EM•1 ® Microbial Inoculant is about 1-1.5 gallons per cubic yard, diluted into the water use to reach proper moisture for composting.

EM•1® is easy to use:

1. Mix with water
Approximately 1oz of EM•1® in 1 gallon of water. 

2. Spray on plants and soil
Use a watering can or hose end sprayer. 

3. Spray on compost
Spray to get water & EM•1® into compost mixture. 

Grow Healthy Plants
Grow a vibrant garden
EM•1 ® Microbial Inoculant helps you grow a healthier, vibrant garden.
Create healthier soil
EM•1® Microbial Inoculant improves the health of the soil which grows healthy plants.
Drought tolerance
EM•1® greatly improves moisture retention in soils, helping protect plants during periods of drought.
Absorb more nutrients
Soil microbes help plants absorb nutrients from organic matter and fertilizers, making fertilizers more effective.

EM•1 ® Microbial Inoculant is basically a liquid probiotic for the soil. The microbes introduced by EM•1® support the growth of other beneficial organisms including mycchorrizae, earth worms, and insects already in your soil and plants. Since it is not a fertilizer, you still need to use fertilizers. Microbes make the fertilizers work better and make them available for plants to use. This means you can use about half the amount of fertilizer than you would normally use. EM•1® Microbial Inoculant is an excellent compost accelerator...and we always encourage adding lots of compost for your plants!

Since microbes convert organic matter to a usable food source for plants, fruits and vegetables will not only taste better, they will be more nutritious, and last longer. Beneficial microbes also produce lots of polysaccharides, glues that hold the soil together and hold in moisture, improving drought resistance.

Applying EM•1 ® is very simple. Just fill the reservoir of a hose-end sprayer with EM•1®, as you would with any fertilizer, and spray all your plants. One hose-end sprayer will treat about 1/8 acre. For best results spray once per week throughout the growing season and pre-treat all your organic matter (potting soil, peat moss, compost, etc.) with EM•1® (this is also known as a drench). Some hose-end sprayers let you dial in the dilution rates. You can use the rates suggested on our label to set the application rate. We suggest one ounce per gallon (2 TBS) for all plants. The best time to spray is early evening.

Improves drought tolerance
Restores the natural balance of healthy soil
Naturally loosens compacted soil
Improves seed germination and root development
OMRI Listed
Increases nutrient availability
Improves plant quality: size, color, and shelf life
Accelerates conversion of organic matter into soil humus

Increases beneficial microbial activity

Effective Microorganisms® for Enhanced Natural & Organic Greenhouse Horticulture

Greenhouses are intensive growing environments that can extend the growing season and increase crop yields. Plants in greenhouses may also experience stress due to heat and soil drying out. EM•1® supports greenhouse environments in several key ways:

  • Grows and supports high quality greenhouse crops, potted plants, and seedlings.
  • Enhances greenhouse horticulture and floriculture naturally by quickly establishing a beneficial micro-ecology that promotes extremely stable growing conditions and safeguards against common stress-related problems, such as over watering.
  • Maintains organic greenhouse standards and is approved for use without restrictions on Certified Organic operations (OMRI Listed).
  • Enhances greenhouse fertilizer and helps maintain plant health with antioxidants (vitamins and trace minerals), enzymes, and organic acids.
  • Help reduce problems associated with soils drying out and being re-hydrated due to improved soil texture and structure.