ஓம் ரவிசுதாய வித்மஹே மந்தக்ரஹாய தீமஹி தந்நோ சனி ப்ரஜோதயாத்; ஓம் காகத்வஜாய வித்மஹே கஹட்கஹஸ்தாய தீமஹி தந்நோ சனி ப்ரஜோதயாத்; ஓம் சதுà®°்புஜாய வித்மஹே தண்டஹஸ்தாய தீமஹி தந்நோ மந்தஹ் ப்ரஜோதயாத்; ஓம் சனீஸ்வராய வித்மஹே சாய புத்à®°ாய தீமஹி தந்நோ சனி ப்ரஜோதயாத்; நீலாஞ்சனம் சமாபாà®·à®®் ரவிபுத்à®°à®®் எமாக்ரஜம் சாய à®®ாà®°்தாண்ட சம்பூதம் தம்நமாà®®ி சனிà®·் ச்சரம்

Radioactive Pollution Causes

The causes of radiation pollution are constituted by various human activities, that add to natural radiation background (radiation produced everywhere in the Universe in absence of human activities).

Sources of Radiation Pollution

The sources of radiation pollution involve any process that emanates radiation in the environment. While there are many causes of radiation pollution (including research and medical procedures and waste, nuclear power plants, TVs, computers, radio waves, cell phones, etc.), the most common ones that can pose moderate to serious health risks include:
  • Nuclear explosions and detonations of nuclear weapons – probably the highest amounts of human-induced radiation pollution have been generated in the mid-twentieth century through various experimental or combat nuclear detonations.
  • Defensive weapon production may also release radioactivity from the radioactive materials handled (usually with elevated health risks). However, unless an accident occurs, the current standards will not allow the release of any significant amount of radiation.
  • Nuclear waste handling and disposal may generate low to medium radiation over a long period of time. The radioactivity may contaminate and propagate through air, water, and soil as well. Thus, their effects may not be easily distinguishable and are hard to predict. Additionally, some nuclear waste locations may not be identified. The main issue with the radiation waste is the fact that it cannot be degraded or treated chemically or biologically. Thus, the only options are to contain the waste by storing it in tightly closed containers shielded with radiation-protective materials (such as Pb) or, if containing is not possible, to dilute it. The waste may also be contained by storage in remote areas with little or no life (such as remote caves or abandoned salt mines). However, in time, the shields (natural or artificial) may be damaged. Additionally, the past waste disposal practices may not have used appropriate measures to isolate the radiation. Therefore, such areas need to be carefully identified and access restrictions promptly imposed.
  • Mining of radioactive ores (such as uranium ores) involves the crushing and processing of radioactive ores and generates radioactive by-products. Mining of other ores may also generate radioactive waste (such as mining of phosphate ores).
  • Nuclear accidents – an already classic example of such accident is the nuclear explosion at a former Soviet nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, that occurred in 1986. Its effects are still seen today. Another example is the 1979 explosion at the Three Mile Island nuclear-power generating plant near Harrisburg, PA, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 2011. The general problems at nuclear weapons reactors are other examples of this type of sources of radiation pollution. Even accidents from handling medical nuclear materials/waste could have notable health effects on workers.

What Is Radioactive Pollution?


Radioactive Pollution is defined as the increase in the natural radiation levels caused by human activities. It is estimated that about 20% of radiation we are exposed to is due to human activities. The human activities that can release radiation involve activities with radioactive materials such as mining, handling and processing of radioactive materials, handling and storage of radioactive waste, as well as the use of radioactive reactions to generate energy (nuclear power plants), along with the use of radiation in medicine (e.g. X-rays) and research. But what about microwaves, cell phones, radio transmitters, wireless devices, computers, and other common commodities of today’s life? 

When we think of radiation, we imagine bombs and nuclear explosions. While these are serious sources of high levels radiation (of high energy), there are many other sources that are much more common, practically ubiquitous, that generate low levels of radiation and which basically remain unnoticed. How many of us think for example of cellular phones as a source of radiation? And yet, the cell phones, cell phone towers, cordless phones, as well as TVs, computers, microwave ovens, broadcast antennas, military and aviation radars, satellites, and wireless internet are all sources of radiation. And so are the common medical X-Rays. Considering this, the picture of radiation pollution significantly expands. From a few explosions and nuclear accidents happening relatively rarely in faraway places, the picture of radiation pollution expands to a complex matrix covering all the Earth and thus involving all of us everywhere! In this context, we could ask ourselves: is radiation really so bad? Yet, if it were, wouldn’t we all be dead or sick by now?!
Radiation is essentially energy that travels and spreads out as it goes. This is referred to as electromagnetic radiation. Examples include visible light, radio waves, microwaves, infrared and ultraviolet lights, X-rays, and gamma-rays. The differences between these various types of radiation consist of some physical properties such as energy, frequency, and wavelength. Thus, there are a variety of electromagnetic radiations. This means that any and all these types of radiation can generate radiation pollution if they are enhanced by human activities. However, the magnitude of the pollution generated varies, with higher-risk pollution generated by radiation of higher energy such as gamma-rays regardless of exposure time. This radiation is generated through detonation of nuclear weapons or in power plants. Therefore, the meaning of radiation pollution is that, while there are ubiquitous sources of radiation, it is mostly the high-energy radiation that causes radiation pollution, carrying serious health risks (such as cancer or death). This is why we will focus on sources for high health-risk radiation when discussing the causes of radioactive pollution and its effects. However, the other types of radiation (in low doses over longer time) may still cause health problems, including neurological, reproductive, and cardiac dysfunctions.

Types of Radioactive Pollution 

Based on the frequency with which it occurs, radioactive pollution can be continuous, occasional or accidental.

Examples of Radioactive Contaminants

Radioactive materials are those materials or elements that emit radiation, thus they are not stable and get transformed into other radioactive or non-radioactive materials. The harm that they can cause depends on the radioactive elements and their half time function (the time needed for their concentration to be reduced to half due to radioactive decay processes). Basically, the higher the half-time, the lower the effects on human health. Radioactive elements with a short and very short half-time pose a serious threat to human health because of their hazardous effects. Most of the radioactive materials have half-lives of hundreds of thousands of years and, once generated, may persist in the environment for a very long time.
Many radioactive elements (materials) are naturally present in the environment. Most of them are used in nuclear power plants, and as basic components of nuclear weapons. Examples of this type of materials are:

The Effects of Radioactive Pollution

Depending on the amount of radiation to which we are exposed and the sensitivity of each exposed person, the effects of radioactive pollution can vary significantly between individuals. While the exposure to high amounts of radiation generates almost immediately chronic diseases, cancer or even sudden death in rare cases of extreme pollution, small amounts of radiation can cause diseases that are not so serious and develop over the course of time. The risk of developing cancer increases with the dose of radiation, but lower doses of radiation can also cause cancer after years of exposure.
Exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S.! (please note that the risk of developing lung cancer increases with smoking). Also, the exposure to other similar radioactive materials can generate neurological, reproductive or heart problems. These may or may not be followed by cancer. If the parents are exposed to radiation before or during pregnancy, genetic birth defects and retardation may occur in the fetus. 
Genetic inheritance plays an important role in how sensitive an individual may be to radiation-based pollution. However, any amount of radiation may cause cancer, and any exposure to radiation may cause some health risks. Thus, it is always safer to minimize as much as possible the exposure to radiation!

Continuous radioactive pollution is the type of pollution constantly coming from uranium mines, nuclear reactors, and test laboratories, where the radioactive contaminants are always present
Occasional radioactive pollution is the type of pollution that occurs during nuclear tests or during experimental tests on radioactive substances.
Accidental radioactive pollution is the type of pollution that occurs when certain experiments involving dangerous substances fail, and the substances used for experimentation get out of control.

Radon Poisoning

Radon (Rn) is a colorless radioactive noble gas that occurs naturally in between the decays of thorium and uranium into lead. Radon is also a by-product of radium decay. It is used as a tracer in cancer therapy.

Chemical Properties

Radon is colorless, tasteless, and odorless, so it cannot be detected by humans. It is radioluminescent at extremely low temperatures and has a half-life of 3.8 days. Radon has no stable radioactive isotopes.


  • Radiotorium (special room) treatments
  • In-situ treatment of tumors
  • Arthritis treatment
  • Radiation therapy
Scientific and Industrial
  • Hydrologic research
  • Geothermal power stations
  • Formerly used in industrial radiography


According to a 2009 report of the EPA, Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer deaths after smoking.
More recent studies show that cumulative radon exposure can cause lung diseases like pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema, and cronic interstitial pneumonia.

Uranium Poisoning

Uranium-235 Poisoning

Uranium-235 is essential in the nuclear industry, as it decays through alpha radiation and is the only naturally-occurring uranium isotope that can sustain a chain reaction, even an induced one. Australia, Kazakhstan, Canada and Russia own the largest known uranium resources.

Chemical Structure

One of the three isotopes of natural uranium, the others being Uranium-238 and Uranium-234, Uranium-235 has 143 neutrons. Its decay generates alpha, beta and gamma radiation. It is the only naturally-occurring fissile isotope, and is 18.7 times denser than water and has a half-life of 703.8 million years.


  • Medical radiotherapy
  • Fuel for nuclear reactors
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Radioactive dating


The radioactivity of uranium-235 makes it extremely harmful for humans when ingested or inhaled, causing a number of serious conditions
  • lung cancer
  • bone cancer
  • kidney damage
  • reproductive issues
  • birth defects
  • leukemia
  • soft tissue cancer
Contamination can occur through inhalation during mining or milling, or indirectly through contaminated groundwater.

Uranium-234 Poisoning

Uranium-234 is one of the three isotopes of uranium and the last isotope that still occurs in nature. Uranium-234 is used in the making of nuclear weapons and nuclear fuels.

Chemical Properties

Isotopes of uranium-234 can be found on earth's crust (as an indirect result of the Uranium-238 decay). This type of isotope has a half-life of 2.46x105 years.


Uranium can be used in metal or uranium dioxide form to make nuclear weapons, tank armor plating, fuel for nuclear plants and submarines.


Uranium emits a series of gamma ray particles that pose health risks only if they are inhaled or ingested. When they get inside the body, this particles cause lung and bone cancer. High concentrations of uranium can cause serious damage to all internal organs.

Tritium Poisoning

Tritium (3H or T) is an isotope of hydrogen that can be found in nature, in water and cosmic rays. It has radioactive properties making it fit for a variety of uses, from nuclear research to watch and rifle production.

Chemical Properties

Tritium has three times the mass of a regular hydrogen nucleous and a half-life of 12.32 years. It can be found in nature or can be generated as a result of bombing hydrogen in a nuclear reactor.


Tritium is dissolved to make nuclear weapons, plastic watches, and self-illuminating consumer products. Researchers use tritium as a radioactive tracer of cells or organs. Tritium is also used in as a fuel in neutron generators, fusion reactors, and nuclear tests.


The radioactive beta emissions of tritium cannot penetrate the human skin. However, small doses of tritium particles may be inhaled or ingested, leading to the development of cancer.

Thorium-229 Poisoning

Throrium (Th) is a naturally-occurring metal with low radiation emissions. Thorium-229 is one of the most stable radioactive isotopes of thorium. It is currently used in cancer research.

Chemical Properties

Thorium-229 is a very insoluble metal that emits radioactive alpha particles. It is generated by the decay of uranium-233 and has a half-life of 7.340 years.


  • Cancer research
  • Cancer treatment
  • Medical applications
  • Nuclear fuel
  • Chemical Industry


Increased levels of alpha radiation emitted by thorium-229 may cause cancers in humans and animals alike. Alpha particles from the nucleotides can also cause chromosomal aberrations in the blood and gene mutations producing non-neoplastic effects.

Strontium Poisoning

Strontium-90 Poisoning

Strontium (Sr) is a silver-yellow alkaline metal used in the fireworks industry. It has 4 stable isotopes and 12 unstable isotopes. Strontium-90 is one of its unstable isotopes, resulting out of a nuclear detonation.

Chemical Properties

Strontium-90 is a radioactive isotope of Sr (Strontium), resulting out of the nuclear fission of plutonium and uranium. Strontium itself is not radioactive, however its isotope 90Sr is as it undergoes Beta decay.90Sr has a half-life of 28.8 years.


  • Cancer radiation therapy
  • Thickness gauges
  • Thermoelectric generators and portable power sources for space vehicles, weather stations etc.
  • Radioactive tracers for chemical reactions
  • Electron tubes for medical treatment


All nuclear weapon tests and deployments result in large amounts of 90Sr fallout. Nuclear tests beginning with the 1940s, disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima etc. are sources of 90Sr release, together with controlled nuclear reactions.
90Sr can be inhaled or ingested from contaminated soil, crops and water, and, once inside the human body; most of it passes through the body, however the percentage that accumulates is extremely toxic as it remains in the bones, bone marrow and teeth, and causes cancer.

Strontium-85 Poisoning

Strontium-85 is used in medicine to detect the increased levels of calcium in bone fractures and tumors.

Chemical Properties

Strontium-85 is a radioactive isotope that has a half-life of 64.84 days. It emits radioactive gamma-rays that are metabolized by the body in a manner close to calcium. This resemblance allows doctors to use strontium injections in automatic calcium body scannings or bone imaging.


  • Calcium tests
  • Bone imaging
As an ingredient in
  • Fireworks
  • Ferrite magnets
  • Flares
  • Paints
  • Pottery coloring
  • Plastics
  • Tooth paste for sensitive teeth
Industrial use
  • Zinc refinery
  • Thicknes gauges
  • Removes static changes from plastic producing machineries
  • Removes static changes from paper producing machineries


Radioactive strontium can be absorbed into the bones of small children. Large doses of trontium-85 displace calcium in the bones and cause chronic renal failure, bone diformity and tumors.

Radium-226 Poisoning

Radium (Ra) is a naturally occuring silver metal discovered by Marie Curie in 1898. Today, radium can also be extracted from uranium ores.
Radium-226 is one of the four highly radioactive isotops of radium.

Chemical Properties

Radium-226 is a by-product of the nuclear reactors that refine uranium or thorium. Unlike other radium isotopes that decay rapidly in just days, Radium-226 has a half-life of 1.599 years.


Radium is used in the production of radon, in medical research or as a component in some industrial devices.


Radium-226 emits alpha, beta or gamma radiation in the form of rays, particles and waves. Alpha particles cannot travel through skin, beta particles can penetrate the skin, and gamma radiation can go through the entire human body. Exposure to higher levels of Radium-226 can cause cancer, anemia, cataracts, and fractured teeth.

Nickel-63 Poisoning

Nickel (Ni) is a silverly metal used in the manufacturing of batteries and coins. Nickel-63 is an artificial product of Nickel-62, one of the original 5 nickel isotops.

Chemical Properties 

Nickel-63 is produced artificially through the capture of enriched Nickel-62 neutrons.
Nickel-63 emits beta particles with a maximum range of 5 cm in the air. These particles have a half-life of 100.1 years.


Fireproof capacity:
  • Plating other metals 
  • Appliances 
As an ingredient in:
  • Armour Plating 
  • Boat propeller shafts 
  • Batteries 
  • Coins 
  • Green Glass 
  • Hydrogenating vegetable oils 
  • Metal alloys  
  • Turbine blades 


Exposure to large doses of nickel compounds may have toxic effects over the immune, reproductive, and developmental systems. Nickel may also affect the brain and internal organs, causing cancers and other severe conditions.

Krypton-85 Poisoning

Krypton (Kr) is a colorless gas that occurs naturally in the air. Krypton-85 can be both naturally-occuring and man-made. It is generally used for leak detection and spark gaps.

Chemical Properties

Krypton-85 is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that emits low levels of gamma and beta radiations. It is one of the 5 radioisotopes of krypton, and has a half-life of 10.756 years.


Mixtures of Krypton-85, argon and xenon are used to improve the ionization and reduce the voltage in tungsten-filament light bulbs. Krypton-85 is also used in plasma displays, spark gaps, and leak detection systems.


Krypton is a non-toxic asphyxiant that has narcotic effects over the human body. Krypton-85 is highly toxic and may cause cancers, thyroid disease, skin, liver or kidney disorders.

Iodine-123 Poisoning

Iodine (I) is a non-metallic trace element in the form of gray crystals or violet vapours. It consists of 36 radioactive isotopes, among which Iodine-123.Iodine-123 is highly used in medical imaging.

Chemical Properties

Iodine-123 is an artificial radioactive isotope produced in particle accelerators. It emits gamma radiation and has a half-life of only 13.22 hours.


Iodine-123 is used in computer tomographies, X-rays, and SPECT images that help diagnose thyroid disorders and other conditions.


Large doses of Iodine-123 maybe toxic to the thyroid gland and surrounding tissues. Iodine-123 may cause hypothyroidism and other thyroid disfunctions, including thyroid cancers.

Calcium-47 Poisoning

Calcium (Ca) is a reactive yellow metal made of four isotopes (Ca-42,44,46,48) that are used extensively in nutritional studies. Calcium-47 is an artificially-obtained radiooactive isotope that occurs when Calcium-46 is irradiated in a nuclear reactor.

Chemical Properties

The isotope of Calcium-47 has unique radioactive tracing properties and is one of the mos tvaluable tools in nutritional studies and medicine. Whenever introduced into a cancer patient, Calcium-47's isotope starts emitting abnormal concentrations of gamma rays that help locate the tumor more accurately.


Calcium-47 is used in medicine to investigate bone metabolism problems or to diagnose calcium disorders. It is also used in the biomedical research of animals to study the cellular body function and the formation of bones in mammals.


Calcium ions are beneficial for the human body, but if they are ingested in large numbers, they become cytotoxic, which means that they get inside the cells of the body and cause serious cellular damage.

Cobalt Poisoning

Cobalt-57 Poisoning

Cobalt (Co) is a silver, hard metal of mineral origins. It can be used both as a mineral and a metal in medicine, electroplating, and pottery coloring. Cobalt-57 is especially used as a radiolabel in nuclear medicine.

Chemical Properties

Cobalt is an isotope metal. Cobalt-57 is the radioactive isotope of the Cobalt isotope and the radioactive form of the Cobalt metal. It usually decays in 270 to 272 days by electron capture.


Cobalt-57 isused in medicine to help detect cancerous tumors. It is also used as a component in the medical equipments studying the chemical properties of various materials or testing the response of Gamma cameras.
Cobalt-57 is sometimes mixed in the flood liquid that tests the lack of Vitamin B12. I tmay also be used to treat Pernicious Anemia.


The exposure to high levels of Cobalt-57 damages the affected cells in the body, causing them to mutate and develop cancer cells. In some rare cases, Cobalt-57 may also generate the Acute Radiation Syndrome, with symptoms like bleeding, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, coma and even sudden death.

Cobalt-60 Poisoning

Cobalt-60 is a synthetic radioactive isotope resulted from Cobalt-59. Cobalt-60 is used in medicine and various industries.

Chemical Properties

Cobalt-60 is produced artificially in nuclear powerplants. Due to its artificial nature, it emits two gamma rays that provide only the radioactive energy desired to achieve a certain purpose.
Cobalt-60 is the most stable radioisotope of cobalt and has a half-life of about 5.2714 years.


  • Cobalt radiotherapy
  • Sterilization of medical equipment
  • Tracing Cobalt in chemical reactions
  • Laboratory mutagenesis radiation
  • Blood Irradiation
  • Sterilization of biological-based products
  • Consumer products quarantine desinfectation
  • Sterilization of automotive products
  • Aerospace and nuclear energy testings
  • Industrial products radiography
  • Industrial products desinfectation
  • Food irradiation
  • As an ingredient in polymethyl methacrylate products


Sustained exposure to Cobalt particles results in a type of lung fibrosis called "hard metal lung disease". The inhalation of cobalt particles may also cause asthma, shortness of breath, respiratory sensitization or decreased pulmonary function.
Cobalt-60 emits radiation, causing long-lasting symptoms like fatigue and hairloss, and even loss of consciousness.

Chromium-51 Poisoning

Chromium-51 is a radioactive isotope of the metal Chromium (Cr), meaning it gives off radiation as it breaks up. This quality makes it useful in medical diagnoses, and also toxic if contamination occurs.

Chemical Structure

Chromium-51 is a Cr radioactive isotope with a half-life of 27.7 days. It is both extremely toxic if direct exposure occurs, and extremely useful as a diagnostic aid, especially for blood-related pathology.


The Cr-51 isotope can be injected into the body, where it gives off traceable radiation that can indicate various medical parameters. It is mainly used for:
  • determining red blood cell volume or mass and assessing blood loss
  • determining red blood cell survival time in hemolytic anemia
  • lowering blood sugar levels
  • diagnosing gastrointestinal protein loss
  • determining blood flow in pregnancies


Gamma and x-ray radiation from Cr-51 can be fatal in large doses or with sustained exposure, which is why Chromium 51 must be stored in lead containers or behind lead shielding, and only handled with protective gear on.
Cr-51 is toxic through both external and internal exposure. If internal exposure occurs, Cr-51 tends to deposit in the lungs, lower large intestine and kidneys, causing cancer and internal organ dysfunctions.
Milder exposure can result in skin rashes and respiratory tract irritations, asthma, chronic rhinitis, polyps or ulceration of the nasal mucosa.

Uranium Poisoning

Uranium-235 Poisoning

Uranium-235 is essential in the nuclear industry, as it decays through alpha radiation and is the only naturally-occurring uranium isotope that can sustain a chain reaction, even an induced one. Australia, Kazakhstan, Canada and Russia own the largest known uranium resources.

Chemical Structure

One of the three isotopes of natural uranium, the others being Uranium-238 and Uranium-234, Uranium-235 has 143 neutrons. Its decay generates alpha, beta and gamma radiation. It is the only naturally-occurring fissile isotope, and is 18.7 times denser than water and has a half-life of 703.8 million years.


  • Medical radiotherapy
  • Fuel for nuclear reactors
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Radioactive dating


The radioactivity of uranium-235 makes it extremely harmful for humans when ingested or inhaled, causing a number of serious conditions
  • lung cancer
  • bone cancer
  • kidney damage
  • reproductive issues
  • birth defects
  • leukemia
  • soft tissue cancer
Contamination can occur through inhalation during mining or milling, or indirectly through contaminated groundwater.

Uranium-234 Poisoning

Uranium-234 is one of the three isotopes of uranium and the last isotope that still occurs in nature. Uranium-234 is used in the making of nuclear weapons and nuclear fuels.

Chemical Properties

Isotopes of uranium-234 can be found on earth's crust (as an indirect result of the Uranium-238 decay). This type of isotope has a half-life of 2.46x105 years.


Uranium can be used in metal or uranium dioxide form to make nuclear weapons, tank armor plating, fuel for nuclear plants and submarines.


Uranium emits a series of gamma ray particles that pose health risks only if they are inhaled or ingested. When they get inside the body, this particles cause lung and bone cancer. High concentrations of uranium can cause serious damage to all internal organs.

Plutonium-238 Poisoning

Plutonium (Pu) is a silvery-white metal. Plutonium-238 is a radioactive isotope of Pu, with special characteristics that make it extremely useful, particularly for space exploration.

Chemical Structure

Plutonium is nearly 20 times denser than water; Pu-238, its isotope used in space exploration, is almost 10 times denser than water.
Pu-238 emits alpha particles as it decays, which means it is a constant heat generator. However, the particles can be blocked by almost any barrier, meaning it cannot be used in nuclear reactions and is much less harmful than other isotopes.
The half-life of Pu-238 is 87.7 years.


Plutonium is only found in small quantities in its natural state; however, it can be man-made in particle accelerators out of uranium. The difficulty and expenses of finding or producing it, however, as well as its properties mean that it has a limited range of uses. It is most famously used as a heat source for radioisotope thermoelectric generators, the so-called "batteries" that power instruments in the extreme cold of space. It was also successfully used in cardiac pacemakers and is now still used in navigation beacons.


Like many radioactive isotopes of heavy metals, Pu-238 is highly toxic and can cause cancer if absorbed into the body (through inhalation, direct contact with open wounds or ingestion of contaminated substances). The lungs, bronchia, liver and bone marrow are most immediately affected by Pu-238.

Strontium Poisoning

Strontium-90 Poisoning

Strontium (Sr) is a silver-yellow alkaline metal used in the fireworks industry. It has 4 stable isotopes and 12 unstable isotopes. Strontium-90 is one of its unstable isotopes, resulting out of a nuclear detonation.

Chemical Properties

Strontium-90 is a radioactive isotope of Sr (Strontium), resulting out of the nuclear fission of plutonium and uranium. Strontium itself is not radioactive, however its isotope 90Sr is as it undergoes Beta decay.90Sr has a half-life of 28.8 years.


  • Cancer radiation therapy
  • Thickness gauges
  • Thermoelectric generators and portable power sources for space vehicles, weather stations etc.
  • Radioactive tracers for chemical reactions
  • Electron tubes for medical treatment


All nuclear weapon tests and deployments result in large amounts of 90Sr fallout. Nuclear tests beginning with the 1940s, disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima etc. are sources of 90Sr release, together with controlled nuclear reactions.
90Sr can be inhaled or ingested from contaminated soil, crops and water, and, once inside the human body; most of it passes through the body, however the percentage that accumulates is extremely toxic as it remains in the bones, bone marrow and teeth, and causes cancer.

Strontium-85 Poisoning

Strontium-85 is used in medicine to detect the increased levels of calcium in bone fractures and tumors.

Chemical Properties

Strontium-85 is a radioactive isotope that has a half-life of 64.84 days. It emits radioactive gamma-rays that are metabolized by the body in a manner close to calcium. This resemblance allows doctors to use strontium injections in automatic calcium body scannings or bone imaging.


  • Calcium tests
  • Bone imaging
As an ingredient in
  • Fireworks
  • Ferrite magnets
  • Flares
  • Paints
  • Pottery coloring
  • Plastics
  • Tooth paste for sensitive teeth
Industrial use
  • Zinc refinery
  • Thicknes gauges
  • Removes static changes from plastic producing machineries
  • Removes static changes from paper producing machineries


Radioactive strontium can be absorbed into the bones of small children. Large doses of trontium-85 displace calcium in the bones and cause chronic renal failure, bone diformity and tumors.

Caesium-137 Poisoning

Caesium-137 has a half-life of about 30 years. However, as it is highly water soluble, in actual uses cesium-137 ions are easily accumulated in the body, where their biological half-life is 110 days.

Chemical Structure

Radiocaesium (caesium-137 or cesium-137) is a byproduct resulted from the nuclear fission of uranium. Caesium most commonly forms chemical compounds in the form of salts, which are highly water soluble.


  • Radiation therapy in medicine (to treat cancer)
  • Moisture density gauges
  • Thickness gauges (for paper, metal etc.) in constructions
  • Liquid flow gauges in pipelines, tanks etc.
  • Atomic clocks
  • Isotopes in the nuclear industry (reactors, weapons etc.)
  • Dating wine
  • Detection of counterfeit products


People can be exposed to caesium-137 through nuclear fallout or, more commonly, through water-soluble products that contain traces, which thus carry beta and gamma radiation to the tissues (with higher concentrations accumulating in muscle tissue).
Exposure to caesium-137 can lead to cancer. If the exposure is very high, it can lead to instant death (this, however, is a rare case).