Chemical Reactions
Let's start with the idea of a chemical reaction. Reactions occur when two or more molecules interact and the molecules change. Bonds between atoms are broken and created to form new molecules. That's it. What molecules are they? How do they interact? What happens? The possibilities are infinite.
When you are trying to understand chemical reactions, imagine that you are working with the atoms. Imagine the building blocks are right in front of you on the table. Sometimes we use our chemistry toys to help us visualize the movement of the atoms. We plug and unplug the little connectors that represent chemical bonds. There are a few key points you should know about chemical reactions:
1. A chemical change must occur. You start with one molecule and turn it into another. Chemical bonds are made or broken in order to create a new molecule. One example of a chemical reaction is the rusting of a steel garbage can. That rusting happens because the iron (Fe) in the metal combines with oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere. Chemical bonds are created and destroyed to finally make iron oxide (Fe2O3).
2. A reaction could include atoms, ions, compounds, or molecules of a single element. You need to remember that a chemical reaction can happen with anything, just as long as a chemical change occurs. If you put pure hydrogen gas (H2) and pure oxygen gas in a room, they might be involved in a reaction to form water (H2O). However, it will be in very very small amounts. If you were to add a spark, those gases would be involved in a violent chemical reaction that would result in a huge explosion (exothermic). Another chemical reaction might include silver ions (Ag+). If you mix a solution with silver ions with a solution that has chloride (Cl-) ions, silver chloride (AgCl) precipitate will form and drop out of solution.
Rate of Reaction
The rate of a reaction is the speed at which a chemical reaction happens. If a reaction has a low rate, that means the molecules combine at a slower speed than a reaction with a high rate. Some reactions take hundreds, maybe even thousands, of years while others can happen in less than one second. If you want to think of a very slow reaction, think about how long it takes plants and ancient fish to become fossils (carbonization). The rate of reaction also depends on the type of molecules that are combining. If there are low concentrations of an essential element or compound, the reaction will be slower.
There is another big idea for rates of reaction called collision theory. The collision theory says that as more collisions in a system occur, there will be more combinations of molecules bouncing into each other. If you have more possible combinations there is a higher chance that the molecules will complete the reaction. The reaction will happen faster which means the rate of that reaction will increase.
Think about how slowly molecules move in honey when compared to your soda even though they are both liquids. There are a lower number of collisions in the honey because of stronger intermolecular forces (forces between molecules). The greater forces mean that honey has a higher viscosity than the soda water.
Factors That Affect Rate
Temperature: When you raise the temperature of a system, the molecules bounce around a lot more. They have more energy. When they bounce around more, they are more likely to collide. That fact means they are also more likely to combine. When you lower the temperature, the molecules are slower and collide less. That temperature drop lowers the rate of the reaction. To the chemistry lab! Sometimes you will mix solutions in ice so that the temperature of the system stays cold and the rate of reaction is slower.
Pressure: Pressure: Pressure affects the rate of reaction, especially when you look at gases. When you increase the pressure, the molecules have less space in which they can move. That greater density of molecules increases the number of collisions. When you decrease the pressure, molecules don't hit each other as often and the rate of reaction decreases.
Pressure is also related to concentration and volume. By decreasing the volume available to the molecules of gas, you are increasing the concentration of molecules in a specific space. You should also remember that changing the pressure of a system only works well for gases. Generally, reaction rates for solids and liquids remain unaffected by increases in pressure.
Measuring Reaction Rates
Forward Rate: The rate of the forward reaction when reactants combine to become products.
Reverse Rate: The rate of the reverse reaction when products break apart to become reactants.
Net Rate: The forward rate minus the reverse rate.
Average Rate: The speed of the entire reaction from start to finish.
Instantaneous Rate: The speed of the reaction at one moment in time. Some reactions can happen quickly at the start and then slow down. You have one average rate, but the instantaneous rates can tell you the whole story.
One Step at a Time
All reactions are dependent on how much stuff you have. Stoichiometry helps you figure out how much of a compound you will need, or maybe how much you started with. We want to take the time to explain that reactions depend on the compounds involved and how much of each compound is needed.
- Mass of Reactants (chemicals before the reaction)
- Mass of Products (chemicals after the reaction)
- Chemical Equations
- Molecular Weights of Reactants and Products
- Formulas of Various Compounds
Now, an example. Let's start with something simple like sodium chloride (NaCl). You start with two ions and wind up with an ionic/electrovalent compound. When you look at the equation, you see that it takes one sodium ion (Na+) to combine with one chlorine ion (Cl-) to make the salt. When you use stoichiometry, you can determine amounts of substances needed to fulfill the requirements of the reaction. Stoichiometry will tell you that, if you have ten million atoms of sodium and only one atom of chlorine, you can only make one molecule of sodium chloride. Nothing you can do will change that. It's like this:
10,000,000 Na + 1 Cl --> NaCl + 9,999,999 Na
2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O
What does stoichiometry look at here? First, look at the equation. Four hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms are on each side of the equation. It's an important idea to see that you need twice as many hydrogen atoms as you do oxygen atoms. The number of atoms in the equation will help you figure out how much of each substance you will need to make the reaction happen. If you make this an extreme example and fill a sealed container with one million hydrogen molecules and only one oxygen molecule, the spark won't make an explosion. There is no monster reaction to be created when there is only one oxygen molecule around. You will make two water molecules and be done.
Heat and Cold
There are two kinds of heat in chemistry. The first is caused by physical activity. As you get more kinetic energy, there is more activity in the system. This extra activity makes more molecular collisions occur. The collisions create the heat. This happens when you increase the pressure in a system. Chemical processes cause the second type of heat. Instead of exciting a system and feeling the heat, chemical bonds are made and broken, and the energy is then released. A release of energy charges up the system and the molecules bounce around faster, resulting in that physical activity we just explained. The opposite can also happen. Sometimes bonds are made and broken and energy is absorbed. The system then gets colder as the temperature goes down. Those emergency icepacks you see when people hurt their ankles are good examples of chemical reactions that absorb energy.Energy in Chemical Bonds
We just talked about energy in a star. There is also energy stored in the bonds between atoms. How about when you burn a piece of wood? When you burn something, you release the energy from the chemical bonds in the wood. Where did the energy come from? The Sun. A plant needs the Sun to grow. Light hits the plant and is used by a process called photosynthesis. The plant captures the Sun's energy and stores it in the chemical bonds. You have probably heard of glucose (C6H12O6), which is one of the smallest sugar building blocks made by plants. The plant uses glucose to power certain processes, to manufacture the cellulose, and as a building block in the cellulose itself. When you burn a piece of wood, you are releasing all of the energy stored up. You experience that energy as heat and light (fire).
Equilibrium Basics
Equilibrium is a pretty easy topic - big name, but easy idea. First, when you have a system made up of a bunch of molecules, those molecules sometimes combine. That's the idea of a chemical reaction. Second, a chemical reaction sometimes starts at one point and moves to another. Now imagine the reaction finished and you have a pile of new chemicals. Guess what? Some of those chemicals want to go through a reverse chemical reaction and become the original molecules again. We don't know why. Sometimes they just do.
Put those two ideas together and you have equilibrium:
1. Two reactants combine to make a product.
2. Products like to break apart and turn back into the reactants.
There are some other traits of equilibrium. Equilibrium always happens at the same point in the reaction no matter where you start. So, if you start with all of substance A, it will break up and become B and C. Eventually, B and C will start recombining to become A. Those reactions happen until they reach equilibrium. They reach equilibrium at the same point whether you start with all A, all B/C, or half A and half B/C. It doesn't matter. There is one special point where the forward and reverse reactions cancel each other out.
It Happens on Its Own
There is one last idea. Do you remember that some atoms and molecules have charges? A system "at equilibrium" appears to have no charge (neutral). All the pluses and minuses cancel each other out and give a total charge of "0". Scientists use the letter "K" to add up all of the actions and conditions in a reaction. That "K" is the equilibrium constant.
More About Equilibrium
Let's look at this equilibrium thing in a different way. Start with a table. There is a glass on the table. We'll pour a whole bunch of "X" into that glass. Eventually, some of that "X" breaks down into two pieces of "Y". That's one chemical reaction taking place.If you have another glass and you pour a bunch of "Y" into it, those "Ys" will eventually combine to make an "X". Using scientific terms, the "X" dissociates into two pieces of "Y", and the pieces of "Y" are going through a recombination to become "X".
Now we have one glass with both reactions happening at the same time. If we look inside, the concentration of the molecules moves in one direction and then the other. Eventually, you won't see the concentrations change anymore. It's as if nothing is happening in the glass. That's equilibrium. The two reactions are still going on. They are just at a speed where they cancel each other out and you can see no change. The reactions are at a "happy" position.
The Position of Equilibrium
1. New molecules or substances are added that are not a part of the main reaction.
2. The temperature of the system is changed.
3. The pressure of the system is changed.
4. The concentrations are changed, like adding more water to a solution or adding more of one reactant or product.
5. There is a change in the total volume of the system.
Equilibrium doesn't always mean that there are equal numbers of reactant and productmolecules. Our equilibrium point may look like it is in the middle of the two concentrations, but it can be anywhere. It's all about balance and finding a happy point. There are times when everything becomes a product, and other reactions where nothing happens. It all depends on the molecules and conditions of the system.
Le Chatelier, What Did He Say?
There was a French guy named Henri Le Chatelier, and he came up with a principle for systems in equilibrium. The principle says that if you have a system in equilibrium and you do anything to it that messes up the equilibrium, the system will try to move back to the original state of equilibrium. Or, if you have a happy system and you make it unhappy, it will try to make itself happy again.His exact words were, "A system in equilibrium, when subjected to a stress resulting from a change in temperature, pressure, or concentration, and causing the equilibrium to be upset, will adjust its position of equilibrium to relieve the stress and reestablish equilibrium."
Catalysts Speed It Up
A catalyst is like adding a bit of magic to a chemical reaction. Reactions need a certain amount of energy in order to happen. If they don't have it, oh well, the reaction probably can't happen. A catalyst lowers the amount of energy needed so that a reaction can happen more easily. A catalyst is all about energy. If you fill a room with hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2), very little will happen. If you light a match in that room (or just produce a spark), most of the hydrogen and oxygen will combine to create water molecules (H2O). It is an explosive reaction. You can also add a catalyst to that room and get one little reaction started. In that situation, you could add a little palladium (Pd) to act as the catalyst.
The energy needed to make a reaction happen is called the activation energy. As everything moves around, energy is needed. The energy that a reaction needs is usually in the form of heat. When a catalyst is added, something special happens. Maybe a molecule shifts its structure. Maybe that catalyst makes two molecules combine and they release a ton of energy. That extra energy might help another reaction to occur in something called a chain reaction. You could also think of a catalyst like a bridge in some instances. Instead of letting reactions happen in the same (but faster) way, it can offer a new direction or chemical pathway in order to skip steps that require energy.
Inhibitors Slow It Down
Acids and Bases Are Everywhere
Every liquid you see will probably have either acidic or basic traits. Water (H2O) can be both an acid and a base, depending on how you look at it. It can be considered an acid in some reactions and a base in others. Water can even react with itself to form acids and bases. It happens in really small amounts, so it won't change your experiments at all. It goes like this:
2H2O --> H2O + H+ + OH- --> H3O+ + OH-
See how the hydrogen ion was transferred?
Most of the time, the positive and negative ions in distilled water are in equal amounts and cancel each other out. Most water you drink from the tap has other ions in it. Those special ions in solution make something acidic or basic. In your body there are small compounds called amino acids. The name tells you those are acids. In fruits there is something called citric acid. That's an acid too. But what about baking soda? When you put that in water, it creates a basic solution. Vinegar? Acid.
So what makes an acid or a base? A chemist named Svante Arrhenius came up with a way to define acids and bases in 1887. He saw that when you put molecules into water, sometimes they break down and release an H+ (hydrogen) ion. At other times, you find the release of an OH- (hydroxide) ion. When a hydrogen ion is released, the solution becomes acidic. When a hydroxide ion is released, the solution becomes basic. Those two special ions determine whether you are looking at an acid or a base. For example, vinegar is also called acetic acid. (Okay, that gives away the answer.) If you look at its atoms when it's in water, you will see the molecule CH3COOH split into CH3COO- and H+. That hydrogen ion is the reason it is called an acid. Chemists use the word "dissociated" to describe the breakup of a compound.
Names to Know
Let's look at the whole picture now. There is a scale for acids and bases just like everything else. Here are a couple of definitions you should know:Acid: A solution that has an excess of H+ ions. It comes from the Latin word acidus, which means "sharp" or "sour".
Base: A solution that has an excess of OH- ions. Another word for base is alkali.
Aqueous: A solution that is mainly water. Think about the word aquarium. AQUA means water.
Strong Acid: An acid that has a very low pH (0-4).
Strong Base: A base that has a very high pH (10-14).
Weak Acid: An acid that only partially ionizes in an aqueous solution. This means that not every molecule breaks apart. Weak acids usually have a pH close to 7 (3-6).
Weak Base: A base that only partially ionizes in an aqueous solution. This means that not every molecule breaks apart. Weak bases usually have a pH close to 7 (8-10).
Neutral: A solution that has a pH of 7. It is neither acidic nor basic.
More Ideas About Acids and Bases
We told you about that guy Arrhenius and his ideas about concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxide ions. You're also going to learn about Brønsted-Lowry ideas. These two chemists from Denmark and England looked at acids as donors and bases as acceptors. What were they donating and accepting? Hydrogen ions. It's a lot like the first definition we gave, where an acid breaks up and releases/donates a hydrogen ion. This newer definition is a little bit more detailed. Scientists used the new definition to describe more bases, such as ammonia (NH3). Since bases are proton acceptors, when ammonia was seen accepting an H+ and creating an ammonium ion (NH4+), it could be labeled as a base. You didn't have to worry about hydroxide ions anymore. If it got the H+ from a water molecule, then the water (H2O) was the proton donor. Does that mean the water was the acid in this situation? Yes.A chemist named Lewis offered a third way to look at acids and bases. Instead of looking at hydrogen ions, he looked at pairs of electrons (remember our pictures with dot structures in Atoms and Elements?). In Lewis' view, acids accept pairs of electrons and bases donate pairs of electrons. We know that both of these descriptions of acids and bases use completely opposite terms, but the idea is the same. Hydrogen ions still want to accept two electrons to form a bond. Bases want to give them up. Overall, Lewis' definition was able to classify even more compounds as acids or bases.
What Really Happens?
What really happens in those solutions? It gets a little tricky here. Let's look at the breakup of molecules in aqueous (water-based) solutions one more time for good measure. Acids are compounds that dissociate (break) into hydrogen (H+) ions and another compound when placed in an aqueous solution. Remember that acetic acid example? Bases are compounds that break up into hydroxide (OH-) ions and another compound when placed in an aqueous solution. We'll talk about baking soda in a few paragraphs.Let's change the wording a bit. If you have an ionic/electrovalent compound and you put it in water, it will break apart into two ions. If one of those ions is H+, the solution is acidic. The strong acid hydrogen chloride (HCl) is one example. If one of the ions is OH-, the solution is basic. An example of a strong base is sodium hydroxide (NaOH). There are other ions that make acidic and basic solutions, but we won't be talking about them here.
That pH scale we talked about is actually a measure of the number of H+ ions in a solution. If there are a lot of H+ ions, the pH is very low. If there are a lot of OH- ions compared to the number of H+ ions, the pH is high.