Bokashi Composting: Why Bokashi Composting is Right For You
Introducing the Bokashi Composting System

Recycling System$36.99
Composting: easy as 1, 2, 3...
Reap your composting rewards!
a high quality soil additive. Faster, more compact and far less smelly than traditional food waste composting, EM•1® Bokashi makes going green and repairing damaged soils easier than ever. Whether you live in an apartment, condo or home – your Bokashi compost kit will give you the means for efficient food waste composting. And, because the EM•1® Bokashi system utilizes fermentation rather than decomposition to break down foods, there is no rancid smell to attract unwanted pests.
as seen on the left. It includes two Bokashi buckets, two easy-open lids, and 5lbs of EM•1® Bokashi bran. This kit's buckets do not have a drain or collection system, making the process a bit more hands-free.
easy-open lid, one sieve, one tamper, and one scoop for measuring EM•1® Bokashi bran. The Deluxe
Bokashi Bucket Fermenter features a sieve and spigot to collect the liquid produced during fermentation.
This liquid is a concentrated fertilizer that can be used to feed all your plants inside and out of the home.
food wastes. They are compact for convenient use in the home and feature flexible, easy-open, air-tight lids.
The Deluxe Bokashi Bucket Fermenter bucket is also infused with EM-X® Ceramic powders that accelerate
the fermentation process even more. Recycling food waste just doesn't get easier than this!
soil. Hose out the buckets after each use. The result is a low effort, high reward food recycling experience
that makes going green easier than ever.
Choose the Bokashi Composting System that works best for you!

Recycling System:
- 2 buckets
- 2 easy-open airtight lids
- 5lbs EM•1® Bokashi
- 1 bucket with spigot
- 1 strainer
- 1 pry-able lid
- 1 scoop & 1 tamper
- 2lbs EM•1® Bokashi