ஓம் ரவிசுதாய வித்மஹே மந்தக்ரஹாய தீமஹி தந்நோ சனி ப்ரஜோதயாத்; ஓம் காகத்வஜாய வித்மஹே கஹட்கஹஸ்தாய தீமஹி தந்நோ சனி ப்ரஜோதயாத்; ஓம் சதுà®°்புஜாய வித்மஹே தண்டஹஸ்தாய தீமஹி தந்நோ மந்தஹ் ப்ரஜோதயாத்; ஓம் சனீஸ்வராய வித்மஹே சாய புத்à®°ாய தீமஹி தந்நோ சனி ப்ரஜோதயாத்; நீலாஞ்சனம் சமாபாà®·à®®் ரவிபுத்à®°à®®் எமாக்ரஜம் சாய à®®ாà®°்தாண்ட சம்பூதம் தம்நமாà®®ி சனிà®·் ச்சரம்

Research funding is a term generally covering any funding for scientific research, in the areas of both "hard" science and technology and social science. The term often connotes funding obtained through a competitive process, in which potential research projects are evaluated and only the most promising receive funding. Such processes, which are run by government, corporations or foundations, allocate scarce funds.

Most research funding comes from two major sources, corporations (through research and development departments) and government (primarily carried out through universities and specialized government agencies; often known as research councils). Some small amounts of scientific research are carried out (or funded) by charitable foundations, especially in relation to developing cures for diseases such as cancer, malaria and AIDS.[citation needed]

According to OECD, more than 60% of research and development in scientific and technical fields is carried out by industries, and 20% and 10% respectively by universities and government.[1]

Comparatively, in countries with less GDP, such as Portugal and Mexico the industry contribution is significantly lower. The US government spends more than other countries on military R&D, although the proportion has fallen from around 30% in the 1980s to under 20.[citation needed] Government funding for medical research amounts to approximately 36% in the U.S. The government funding proportion in certain industries is higher, and it dominates research in social science and humanities. Similarly, with some exceptions (e.g. biotechnology) government provides the bulk of the funds for basic scientific research.[citation needed] In commercial research and development, all but the most research-oriented corporations focus more heavily on near-term commercialization possibilities rather than "blue-sky" ideas or technologies (such as nuclear fusion).[2]

The Research Development Office has developed a database of currently available funding opportunities primarily for Indian researchers. This database is constantly being updated. Although most of the available funding comes from the Government of India, there are many other opportunities from India and overseas that can be applied for.
Click here to download the Excel format of database with more details. The filter tool can then be used to search against various categories.
This information was last updated on 26-April-2019.
Personal Support (Tenable in India)
British Petroleum (BP)/Bird life International/ Conservation International/Fauna and Flora international/ Wildlife conservation societyConservation Leadership Programme (CLP)-Kate Stokes Memorial AwardTeam based projects for individuals from developing countries who are early in their conservation career and demonstrate leadership potential
To be announced
Upto 3 years
Azrieli Global Scholars programApplicants can be from anywhere in the world, must hold a PhD (or equivalent) and be within the first five years of a full-time academic position. Scholars’ research interests must be aligned with the themes of an eligible CIFAR research program.To be announced2 years
DBTTata Innovation FellowshipAge less than 60 years. emplyoment at a research institute.To be announced3 years with possibility of 2 year extension
DBTRamalingaswamy Re-entry FellowshipAge less than 55 years. At least 3 years of post-doctoral research  experience with last two  years from an overseas
To be announced (Jan)5 years
DST-SERBRamanujan FellowshipPhD/MD with excellent proven track-record. Age less than 55 years.Rolling programme5 years
DST-SERBJ C Bose national FellowshipsPhD, less than 68 years. Needs to be nominated by the instituteRolling programme5 years
DSTSwarnajayanti FellowshipsPhD, Age 30-40 yearsTo be announced (April)5 years
International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO)Return home FellowshipScientists who are developing a successful basic/clinical research career in a developed country and wish to return to their country of origin or to a less developed country1 September 
Lady Tata Memorial TrustYoung Researcher AwardStrong scientific leadership with more than 10 years experience running an independent labTo be announced3+2 years based on review of progress
SERBCore Research Grant (CRG)To support scientists for undertaking research in frontier areas of S&T in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences & Mathematical Sciences10-June-20193 years
SERBEarly Career Research Award (SERB)To support excellent scientists who wish to undertake high-quality research and to establish themselves as independent researchers in an academic institution in India.To be announced3 years
Sree Padmavathi Venkateswara Foundation (SreePVF)Competitive Research Grant in the area of Biological SciencesTo support research in the arae of biological Sciences for individuals and groups engaged in the broad areas of biological and chemical sciences.30th June-20193 years
Wellcome Trust-DBT India AllianceMargdarshi FellowshipStrong scientific leadership with more than 10 years experience running an independent labTo be announced5 years
Wellcome Trust-DBT India AllianceIntermediate Research Fellowship4-7 years PD experience
To be Launched in June/ July 2019

5 years
Wellcome Trust-DBT India AllianceSenior Research Fellowship7-15 years PD experienceTo be Launched in June/ July 20195 years
Wellcome Trust-DBT India AllianceIntermediate Fellowships for Clinicians and Public Health Researchers in India4-7 years of post-MD/post-MS/post-MPH/post-PhD or equivalent research experienceTo be launched in early 20205 years
Wellcome Trust-DBT India AllianceSenior Fellowships for Clinicians and Public Health Researchers in India7-15 years of post-MD/post-MS/post-MPH/post-PhD or equivalent clinical research experienceTo be launched in early 20205 years

Personal Support (tenable abroad)
Alexander Humboldt FoundationFellowship for experienced researchers (Germany)Independent PI (Assistant Professor/ Junior Research GL) with < 12 years experienceRolling programme6-18 months, can be divided into 3 blocks of minimum 3 months each in 3 years.
Alexander Humboldt FoundationInternational Climate protection Fellowships (Germany)Min Master's level education, first degree less than 12 years ago, practical experience in climate protection/ nature conservation,with leadership potential
1 year
American Cancer SocietyInternational Fellowships for Beginning Investigators (ACSBI, USA)Beginner Independent investigator or clinicianTo be announced6-12 months
Indo-US Science and Technology ForumASM-IUSSTF Indo-US Professorship in MicrobiologyMicrobiologists with significant experience in research or teaching in the field, who have obtained a Phd within past 10 years15 December each yearshort term
Union for international cancer control (UICC)Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial international study grants (any country overseas)PhD/MD with min 2 years postdoc experienceTo be announced (March)3 months
US-India Educational FoundationFulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence FellowshipsIndian faculty/researchers with at least 5 years teaching experience, preferably below 50 years of age15-July-20194-9 months

Research Grants
British Petroleum (BP)/Bird life International/ Conservation International/Fauna and Flora international/ Wildlife conservation societyConservation Leadership Programme (CLP)-Conservation Follow-up AwardsMinimum team of three  with at least 50% involved in previous CLP project and additional new team members with no more than 5 years of paid experience  in the conservation sectorTo be announced in SeptemberUpto 2 years
CSIRCSIR Sposnsored Research GrantsPhD, regular appointment in a research instituteRolling Programme3 years
DBTProject grantPhD, regular appointment in a research instituteRolling Programme3-5 years
DBTSmall Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI)Public-Private Partnership Programme of DBT supports research initiatives of Indian Biotech Industry solely or in collaboration with academic partners. Operated through BIRACTo be announced 
DBTBioCAre Research Grant opportunity (RGO)PhD (age limit 55 years) Women Scientists who are employed or unemployed or are desirous of coming back after a break.To be announced3+2 years
DBTAccelerated Translational Grant for Commercialization (ATGC)
The primary applicant should be the Project Coordinator with established proof-of-concept ready for validation with proven expertise in the proposed area, demonstrated through                      publications/patents and earlier executed research projects.

31-Dec-201918-24 months
DST (SERB)Core Research Grant (CRG)PhD, regular appointment in a research institute10-June-20193 years
DST(SERB)Early career research awardPhD,  must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution/ or national laboratories or any other recognized R&D institutions and must apply not later than the first two years of their regular serviceTo be announced3 years
DST (SERB)High risk high reward researchThe applicant(s) must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized institutionCall is now open3 years (extendable to 5 years)
DST (SERB)Industry Relevant R&DThe academic partner must hold a regular academic/research position in an academic institution. All industries (including MSME & industrial R&D Centres) are eligible.Rolling programme3 years
DSTWoman Scientist scheme (WOS-A)for unemployed women scientistsRolling programme3 years
DSTWoman Scientist scheme (WOS-B)For unemployed women scientists whose age limit is below 57 yearsTo be announced2 years
DSTCognitive Science Research InititativeScientists/academicians  should have a research  background  in  Cognitive  Science  and hold a regular  positionTo be announced (June)3 years
DSTNano MissionFor research in the field of Nano science and technology, online applicationRolling programme3 years
DFG – German Research FoundationTemporary Position for P.I.Any researcher with Ph.DRolling programme3 years
EARTHWATCH Institute US/InternationalResearch GrantsAdvanced scholars and professionals of any nationality, covering any geographic region. EARTHWATCH supports doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, or researchers with equivalent scholarship or commensurate life experience18 Months prior to reseach initiationGrants renewed annually, long-term research projects are encouraged. Principal investigators to indicate their projected research term.
GatesGrand Challenges ExplorationsPump-priming funding for initial ideas.To be announced1-6 years* (with extension)
ICGEBCollaborative Research ProgrammeShould hold positions at Universities or Research Institutes in any of the ICGEB Member States.To be announced (April)36 months
James McDonnell Foundation (USA)2016 Scholar Awards in Complex Systems Science5-15 years post PhD with a  regular position in a non-profit research institution. No nationality restrictionsTo be announced3-6 years
Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI)SFARI Explorer AwardsPhD, MD or equivalent with faculty position in research or educational institute. No citizenship or country requirementsRolling Program1 year
USAID/NSFPartnership for enhanced engagement in Research (PEER)PIs in developing countries collaborating with a PI in US having a NSF grant active for the duration of the  awardTo be announced (Jan)1-3 years
WWF-IndiaSmall Grants Programfor individuals based in India to carry out conservation research or undertake a conservation projectgrants are provided twice a year. phase I applications to be submitted by 30 June and Phase II applications by 31-Dec6-12 months
HHMI/ Gates/ Wellcome Trust/ Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation)International Research Scholars ProgramApplicants having outstanding scientific training records and exceptional potential for significant in their independent careers and are trained in the United States or United Kingdom at the doctoral, medical, or postdoctoral level for at least 1 year.To be announced5 Years

Infrastructure Grants
DBTCreation of Center of excellence and Innovation in Biotechnology (CEIB)PIs with strong track record, permanent position at a non-profit research institutionTo be announced5 years, (extendable by maximum 5 years)
DSTFund for improvement of S&T infrastructure (FIST)All Science Centres having strong postgraduate teaching and research programs which have existed for at least 3 years.To be announced5 years

International Collaborations
AISTDFASEAN-India collaborative R&D program
Faculty member at eligible Indian/ ASEAN MS universities/ publicly funded research institutes. The total number of participants on each side should not exceed two.
Rolling scheme. Formal processing of the proposals shall start wef 1st Jan, 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct each year.
24-36 months
BRICSCoordinated call for BRICS multilateral projects Pilot call 2016Should consist of partners from at least three of the BRICS countries. All applicants must fulfil their respective national eligibility rules for research grant applications
Budget: Research funding and exchange visits
To be announced (Nov)3 years
DST-CEFIPRAIndustry Academia Research & Development Programme one industrial partner and one research institutes each from India & France (2+2 Model).1st Feb &1st July each year3 years
At least two scientists, one each from India and France as Principal Collaborators. Principal Collaborators and Joint Collaborators should have permanent position in an Indian or French University/R&D Institution.
15th Jan & 15th July each year
3 years
DBT/CDTI, SpainJoint Call For Proposals For Technological Co-Operation In The Field Of BiotechnologyTo support collaborative research projects between scientists in Spain and India in all areas of biotechnology e.g. health biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, nano-biotechnology, agro-biotechnology, biofuels and bioenergy, marine biotechnology, bioinformatics and biomedical engineeringTo be announced4 years
DST/JSPS (Japan)Indo-Japan Cooperative Science program (IJCSP)Scientists/ faculty members working in regular capacity in UGC recognized Universities/ Deemed Universities/ Academic Institutes and National Research & Development Laboratories/ Institutes.To be announced2 years
DBT-BMBFIndo-German Joint Call for Proposals in the area of BiotechnologyScientists/faculty members working in regular capacity in universities, national R&D laboratories/ institutes/universities and private R&D institutes /companiesTo be announced2 years
DST- DeitYIndia-UK Collaborative Industrial Research & Development ProgrammeThe Indian Project Lead must be a commercial company. Academic institutions, research hospitals, other R&D institutes can participate in the projects as co-investigators.To be announced 
DST-RFBRIndo-Russian Joint Research Call for ProposalsThe team leaders must hold a full-time position at a university or research institute in their respective countries.To be announced2 years
DSTIndo-Belarus Joint Research ProgrammeThe applicant should be a Leader of a team of scientists in each country and should hold a full-time position at a University or Research InstitutionTo be announced2 years
Human Frontier in Science Program (HFSP)Young Investigator's grantsJunior Independent PI, within 5 years of obtaining an independent positionTo be announced (March)3 years
Human Frontier in Science Program (HFSP)Programme grantsIndependent PITo be announced (March)3 years
Human Frontiers in Science Program (HFSP)Career Development AwardNeed to have held one of 2 Feeder FellowshipsTo be announced3 years
Indo-US Science and Technology ForumIndo-US R &D Joint Networked CenterNeeds 2 Indian and 2 American scientists from academia and laboratories (both public and non government)To be announced2 Years
Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research IFCPARIndo-French Collaborative research projectsPhD, permanent appointment in a research instituteTo be announced (Jan)3 years
INNO INDIGO Partnership ProgrammeIndo-European Innovation Joint Call for proposals in the field of BioeconomyPublic and/or private entities are eligible according to their respective national/regional regulations. At least three partners of which two partners must be from two different European countries participating in the call, and one from IndiaTo be announced2-5 years (DBT), 3 years (DST)
National GeographicConservation trust No restriction on educational qualification. applicants must provide a record of prior research or conservation action as it pertains to the proposed project.at least 8 months prior to anticipated field dates 1 year
NSF-SERBPartnership for International Research & Education (PIRE)Individual scientists  and  research  groups  from  academic  institutions, research laboratories and non-profit  R&D  institutions, which  are  eligible  for normal DST/SERB grants.To be announced5 years
DBT/DIIS, Australia
Applicant should be from Indian not-for- profit research organization/education institution/ public/private research company. Have at least one Australian partner and confirmation from the implementing Australian  agency that a corresponding application from that Australian partner has been received.

To be announced (Jan)3 years
DBT/EU,                  Europe
To support collaborative research proposals between scientists in India and Europe on projects related to broad thematic areas including Health, biotechnology, food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland   water research and the bioeconomy.

The deadlines vary for the different themes. 22nd Jan, 2019 (Biotechnology), 23rd Jan, 2019 (food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland  water research and the bioeconomy); 5th March, 2019 (Biotechnology); 24th April, 2019 (Health)

3-5 years
DBT/DFG, Germany
Applicants must be from Government of   India supported or recognised (Public or Private) academia; research organizations and  urban or other local bodies.

Proposals accepted any time of the year
3 years
DST/RCN, Norway
Applicants must be from Government of    India supported or recognised (Public or Private) academia; research organizations and  urban or other local bodies.

22-Feb-20193 years
To create single network CRDF consisting of multiple clinical and laboratory research sites and  a multidisciplinary team of Indian and U.S. investigators that addresses an array of TB research questions of importance to India in the global context.
Applicants must be from Government of    India supported or recognised (Public or Private) academia;    research organizations and  urban or other local bodies.

28-Feb-20195 years
Wellcome-DBT India AllianceTeam Science Grants
To support collaborative research projects that address an important health challenge for India. 

17-June-20195 years

International Exchange
BBSRC (UK)India Partnering AwardPromotes scientifc exchange especially of early career scientists between India  and UK To be announced (Nov)4 years
Cambridge -IndiaHameid visiting fellowship

Academics at Indian universities with an existingacademic relationship with colleagues at the University of Cambridge or vice versa

Rolling Scheme1-2 weeks
CEFIPRA-DSTRaman-Charpak Fellowship ProgramStudents registered for PhD in an Indian/French institution15-May-20193-6months
DST/ DAAD (Germany)DST-DAAD Project based personnel exchange programmecollaborative travel for upto 4 visits on either sideTo be announced2 years
DAAD, GermanyResearch StaysUniversity academics and scientists from India on active dutyTo be announced1-3 months
DBT/ MCTI (Brazil)Indo-Brazil-Joint call for proposals in the field of BiotechnologyNeeds Brazilian collaborator, regular position in research instituteTo be announced3 years
Academicians who already have an on-going project grant with Belgium collaborator are eligible to participate. Indian scientists, who are presently implementing more than one research project supported from the International Division of the DST are not eligible to apply.

To be announced 
PhD (<10 years of post-PhD experience), Indian   national,   residing   in   India, holding   a   regular   position   in   a   recognized   S&T Institution/University.
To be announced3-9 months
US/Indian citizens. PhD and Master students currently enrolled at a regionally accredited institution of higher education in U.S.

To be announced3 months
Matsumae International Foundation (Japan)MIF Research FellowshipPhD, permanent appointment in a research institute.Needs to work in Japanese institute.31-July-20193-6 months
Royal Society, UKInternational Exchange schemePostdoc or holding independent position in research institute/university30-May 2019variable from 3months, 1 year or 2 years

Organising Meetings/Symposia/Workshops
DSTFinancial Assistance for organising Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshops 3-6 months prior to the event 
CSIRFinancial Assistance for organising Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshops 3 months before the event 
Company of BiologistsScientific Meetings GrantOrganiser must have a PhD and must be in the organising group for the meeting. No nationality or geographic restrictions but preference given to events where organisers have sought maximal feasible diversity in speakers in terms of geography, gender and age.4 Jan, 2019; 25 March, 2019 
Company of BiologistsSmall Meetings grantOrganiser must have a PhD and must be in the organising group for the meeting.Rolling scheme 
Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advance Research (IFCPAR)Grant for organizing Seminars and WorkshopsNeeds French collaborator15-Jan and 15- July every year 
DST/Royal Society and Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) UKIndia-UK Scientific SeminarsPhD with regular appointment at a research institute in India or UKTo be announced 
EMBOEMBO Courses and Workshops programFunds conferences, workshops, practical courses and symposia that promote collaborations and exchange in the latest life science advances.Funding priority is given to events held in an EMBC Member State or cooperating countryTo be announced 
EMBO/Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance
Symposia must take place in India, but scientists from anywhere in the world are eligible to apply, independent of their nationality.
India | EMBO Symposia must cover frontier, pioneering and interdisciplinary areas of life sciences that are underserved in India, and include speakers with interdisciplinary expertise.
15 Feb 2017 and 15 July 2017
Indo-US Science and Technology ForumIndo-US  Bilateral Workshops/ Symposia/ ConferencesQualified scientist from all science disciplines working at Indian and American institutionsTo be announced 
Lady Tata Memorial TrustMeetings/Symposia/Workshops in the area of medical research 2 months prior to the event 
TWASInternational Scientific meetingsOrganiser must be developing countryTo be announced 

DBTTravel Support for attending International Conference/ Seminar/ SymposiumPhD, Age less than 50 yearsAt least 8 weeks prior to travel date 
DBTCREST AwardApplicant must have a permanent jobTo be Announced1-12 months
DSTInternational Travel support Schemeopen to all researchers. Senior researchers (> 35 years) cannot apply to Int Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) sponsored eventsRolling programme. App. to reach two months prior to the event 
International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO)International Travel GrantsFor participation in international Neuroscience meetingsTo be announced 
ICMRInternational Travel by Non-ICMR ScientistsBiomedical scientists engaged in R&D. Senior Scientist (above 35 yrs of age) are eligible to apply only to international scientific events which are not sponsored by international Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU).6 weeks before the commencement of the event 
INSA-CSIR-DAE/BRNS-DOS/ISROCICS Travel Fellowship ProgrammePhD, Indian nationalitycommittee meets six times/year with specific deadline for each meeting 
Ratan Tata Trust and Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust

PhD with regular position in research institute, Indian nationalityat least 3-4 months prior to departure. 31-May every year 

Entrepreunership/Technology Development grants
Wellcome Trust (UK)Affordable Healthcare in IndiaThe PI should be based in India with regular employment in Not-for-profit institutions, governmental or non-governmental organisations and international organisations operating within India. To be announced 
Wellcome Trust (UK)Biomedical resource and technology development grantsapplicants in the UK who have a track record in obtaining grant funding. Researchers in low- or middle-income countries  eligible to apply if they have a track record of Trust funding or can demonstrate a strong track record of independent research accomplishment.To be announcedupto 5 years

British Ecological Society (BES)Outreach grantIndividuals or organisations interested in organising public engagement events in ecology. This includes, but is not limited to, members of the BES, researchers, schools, museums, libraries and community groupsTo be announced (March) 
BIRACContract research and service scheme to facilitate Academia-Industry CollaborationOne academic (primary applicant) + private company partnerTo be announced (March) 
CEFIPRA-BIRACRed Biotechnology up to pre-commercialization stageThe proposals must involve at least two French partners (one academia and one industry) and two Indian partners (one academia and one industry)To be announced2 years
DBTBioCAre (Research Grant Opportunity)PhD (age limit 55 years). Women currently unemployed, temporarily employed or looking for change in career pathTo be announced12 months
DSTUtilisation Of The Scientific Expertise Of Retired Scientists(USERS)Age upto 67 years 
2 years
Rolex AwardsYoung LaureatesWill support projects in the field of science and health, applied technology, exploration and discovery, the environment, and cultural heritageTo be announced12-18 months

  • This fellowship programme provides an opportunity for scientists, technologists, engineers and social scientists to develop skills and contribute to STI policymaking process at various stages in government, academia and industry. Acknowledging the demand and interest, this year's DST-STI-SFP call is expanded in thematic scope and reach.Thematic ScopeR&D Policy and EcosystemSTI …
  • Building Bharat-Boston Biosciences (B4) Program

    INR 195,000/month for 12 months.*Apart from the above mentioned stipend, …
    Up to 11 Visiting Scientists will be sponsored to pursue research in fields related to the biosciences at Harvard University and other institutions in the Boston area. The Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute will organize seminars at Harvard for Visiting Scientists to discuss their research with the broader …
  • Senior and Intermediate Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Research

    The 5-year Fellowship providesCompetitive personal salary supportGenerous and flexible funds …
    The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance (India Alliance, www.indiaalliance.org) invites applications for its Senior and Intermediate Fellowships under the track of Basic Biomedical Research. These Fellowships are available across the full spectrum of biomedical research under the remit of India Alliance, which is to support biomedical research that is relevant to …
  • Tata Innovation Fellowship

    i) The amount of the fellowship is Rs. 25,000/-per month …
    Applications are invited for “Tata Innovation Fellowship”, a highly competitive scheme instituted by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India to recognize and reward scientists with outstanding track record in biological sciences to find innovative solutions to major problems in healthcare, agriculture and other areas …
  • Deakin India 20% Merit Scholarship

    This scholarship is available for the normal duration of the …
    Deakin is offering 20% tuition fee waiver scholarships to students with exceptional academicachievements to pay for their university fees and all study costs. For more information click here.
  • Prime Minister’s Fellowship for Doctoral Research

    Prime Minister’s Fellowship for Doctoral Research scheme is a prestigious initiative of Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India towards the advancement of university research engagements in line with industry requirement. The scheme encourages full time PhD scholars to pursue research in “focus areas” …
  • Raman Post-Doc Program

    Selected candidates will receive a consolidated monthly package of Rs. …
    The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has been recognised as an Institution of Eminence (IoE) by the Government of India. As a part of the IoE initiative, IISc has created the Raman Post-Doc Program, a highly selective Post-Doc program with 50 positions. The Institute invites applications for intensely motivated individuals …
  • L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards 2020

    The Awards will be given on March 2020 in Paris …
    Created in 1998, the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards identify and support eminent women in science throughout the world. Each year, five Laureates are recognized for their contributions to the advancement of science, in Life Sciences or Physical Science, Mathematics and Computer Science in alternating years. The 2020 Awards …

